Oooooohhhh noooooooooo : LUSENET : ==The Red Arrows===> : One Thread


We have a major problem. Our new CO fails to distiguish between a fighter and a bomber. Thrax hurry home...all is forgiven... give him a lesson.

Heps and I gunned for Monsiuer Anaconda the fish salesman in a b17. However our european cousin threw the bleedin' thing about the skies trying to get on the tail of the 190. Besides feeling very unwell we never managed to get a shot on the 190 until we lost elevator,flaps and god knows what and then at least we stayed relatively still (the pilot still got credited for the kill).

All I can suggest is that the arrows are different and we salute the new CO: holder of the Medaille Commemorative Française d'halfwit



ps never gun for him

-- sliper (, April 18, 2001

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