GARDENING - Tired iris, acer palmatum, problem cats, white : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread |
ET ISSUE 2150 Saturday 14 April 2001Gardener and lecturer Helen Yemm answers your questions
Victim of neglect
In an old garden we are struggling to renovate, we have a huge gnarled-looking patch of an iris that bore only one flower last year. It is now sprouting new leaves around the edge. Should we dig it up and start again, or can I improve it with fertilisers and if so, what kind?R.Swithen
THIS sounds like a bearded iris - the kind that in time makes an ugly mat of rhizomes, only the outer ones of which are productive. Together with a woody old hydrangea, a gaunt Hybrid Tea rose and a paeony that may have stopped flowering, these form the unsatisfactory backbone of many a neglected garden.
In mid-summer, after your iris has flowered (or not), dig the whole plant up and separate the young, outer "fingers" from the central, non-productive, parts with a sharp knife. The older part can be thrown out. Trim the leaves of the saved bits by about half, and tidy up any damaged roots.
Plant them about 8in (20cm) apart, almost horizontally on the soil surface, having first lightly raked in a little organic matter and bonemeal.
Give them a really sunny, well-drained site and ensure that the rhizomes get as much direct sun as possible by planting them with their leafy bits at their north end (this is not as daft as it sounds). The last thing irises of this kind need is nitrogen-rich, deep, moist soil, and they should never be covered by an over-zealous layer of mulch, or they might rot.
Suffering acer
My Acer palmatum, which has stood in the same place (in a pot, annually fed) for three years, has upper branches that look dead, although new leaf buds are visible on its lower branches. I learnt that this acer needs winter protection. Have I just been unlucky this year? The label says "do not prune". How can I save it?Tina Lowe, Ipswich
It is probable that the upper branches of your acer did suffer from this winter's onslaught, but may eventually leaf up - a little later than the more protected lower branches. Do the thumbnail test: scrape a tiny bit of bark off the upper branches with your nail. If it is green underneath, there is still hope, and you should give the acer another month to make up its mind.
Normally, you shouldn't prune these slow-growing acers, which in time make wonderful balanced-looking canopies that can easily be spoilt by being tweaked with secateurs, or worse. But, as with other woody plants, any dead branches should be removed to prevent coral spot rot (orange dots on dead shoots) from invading the living parts.
The natural habitat of Japanese acers is at odds with the exposed sites we so often chose for them - as isolated "features", frequently in pots. They grow best with their roots in cool, leafy soil, protected from wind and frost and in dappled shade. If yours recovers, move it to a place where it might feel more at home.
Paws and claws
Peter Seabrook, possibly the most experienced gardener-writer of them all, told me that I should never have mentioned cats on a gardening page and, judging by the number of letters and emails I have received on the subject, he is probably right. We are indeed a truly divided nation on this one.
Many thanks, however, to those who wrote with their pet remedies, notably Phillip Parr, of St Albans, who drizzles Citrus Burst washing-up liquid around his flower beds.
James Seeley from Crowborough hates cats so much he parted with £50 for a sonic device from Catwatch, which he says is worth every penny; and the makers of Renardine liquid and Rencoco (coco-shell mulch impregnated with the same) asked me to draw readers' attention to their products, which they me are effective.
White bluebells
Over a period of 20 years, most of the bluebells in my garden have become white. I should love an opinion as to why this has happened. Jill Thornely, Woolhampton, Berkshire.
This is an interesting one. As anyone who has ever tried to cultivate colonies of white flowers, particularly self-seeders such as foxgloves or honesty knows, you have only to get one rogue in the pack for the whole lot to revert to the original, dominant colour.
In the case of your bluebells, which will have spread by seed as well as by an ever-expanding bulb population, it would appear that the opposite has happened.
I considered this to be a matter for a proper botanist, so I phoned Mike Grant at the Royal Horticultural Society.
He agreed that a possible explanation was that, all those years ago, you had managed unwittingly to introduce a white Spanish bluebell into your area of native English bluebells.
Like our own bluebells, Spanish bluebells, which are paler than our own, occasionally occur in both pink and white forms, and all are more vigorous than their smaller, English relations. It is just possible that even a single white Spanish interloper has, over 20 years, managed to oust your little blue natives.
So much for the opinion. As for the future, why not make the most of your unusual problem? Reading between the lines of your letter, this is quite a wild area of your garden.
Try establishing white foxgloves, white honesty (but watch out for the rogues), white Anemone nemerosa, sweet cicily, white comfrey, white campion, and you could have quite a bit of fun.
Yellow nettles
Another plant that is just as good at overwhelming ground elder as Lysimachia punctata is - as many readers have suggested - the less upright Lamium galeobdolon, technically a nettle. Lysimachia is tall and does a great disguise job. Both, however, are rampant, so be aware that when introducing either to your garden you are inviting in a bully to fight off a thug.
Write to Thorny Problems, or The Daily Telegraph Gardening, 1 Canada Square, London E14 5DT. Helen Yemm regrets that she can answer letters only through this column.
-- Anonymous, April 17, 2001