An exhaustive list of all the accomplishments of Already Done : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
1. Was correct about the outcome of y2k.
-- Joey wasn't the only one in the cab (who@smelled.funny), April 17, 2001
That implies that CPR is a sword fighter, and that may be true, but I think the other sword fighter, ADH, is a Gore fan, so it doesn't add up.
-- KoFE (your@town.USSA), April 17, 2001.
Once again, Latte, you are wrong. I am not a Gore fan. I am not a Clinton fan. I have never voted for either Clinton or Gore. Would you care to try again? I love watching you guess wrong, over and over, simply because you are too foolish to simply come out and ask me about Things You Do Not Know.And kindly post some evidence (I know, I know, you won't do it, cut- and-paste is beyond you) that I am a Gore fan.
I await your response, Caffeine Queen. However, I can wait until after you get back from your Iwo Jima anonymous assignation.
-- Already Done Happened (, April 17, 2001.
I don't know, maybe he wasn't even right about y2k.
-- Joey wasn't the only one in the cab (who@smelled.funny), April 17, 2001.
Maybe I was. Maybe I wasn't. You just don't know, do you?
-- Already Done Happened (, April 18, 2001.