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Looks like it's active again.

-- Anonymous, April 17, 2001


Popo Cam

-- Anonymous, April 17, 2001

APRIL 17 11:00 (17:00 GMT)

In the last 24 hours Popocatepetl volcano has shown an increase in its activity. There were 5 small exhalations with some steam and ash, and 5 micro-earthquakes with magnitudes smaller than 2.5. Also, there were 7 hours of harmonic tremor. Since 00 hrs of yesterday, there was a seismic pulsating sequence that lasted until 12:00. These seismic signals had no external manifestation. At 19:48, the volcano registered a moderate explosion that sent incandescent fragments up to 2 km from the crater, to the North-East and North-West sectors, and an ash plume that rose 4 Km above the crater (see image).

After the explosion, the volcano has had only 7 exhalations and 1 hour of harmonic tremor. At the moment of this report, the volcano shows no fumarolic activity.

-- Anonymous, April 17, 2001

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