Track Satelites that are spying on you : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

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Track Satelites that are spying on you

J-Track 3D

We hope you enjoy J-Track 3-D. It should appear in its own window and begin loading a database of over 500 satellites.

What you will see (assuming your system supports this JAVA applet) is a plot in 3-dimensions showing the position of these satellites. Be sure to try the "Satellite" pull-down menu to choose which satellite you wish to view.

If you don't have Java, here are some of the most popular satellites for tracking that you can view (no Java required!):

-- Uncle Bob (, April 17, 2001


Very cool.

-- (@ .), April 17, 2001.

Thanks Bob, it reminds me how much I miss being in that field.

-- Maria (, April 18, 2001.

Your welcome Maria...I miss you...

-- Uncle Bob (, April 18, 2001.

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