POL GOSSIP - from Liz Smithgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread |
Gore Is Having His FillLiz Smith, Newsday Tuesday, April 17, 2001
Here is an item I am reluctant to write, as it seems a bit derriere garde, if you know what I mean. And also, I am afraid nobody will know whom I am writing about. Do you remember a guy named Al Gore? He ran for president and almost won. They said the election was his to lose, and he lost it.
Well, while NBC honcho Jeff Zucker was waiting, trying to decide if he'd move to La La Land and take over the network's entertainment division, he found himself in an interesting situation. For when the election was still up for grabs in Florida, Zucker was mighty tense. He had to grasp the NBC nettle while still waiting to learn whether or not he'd become president Gore's new press secretary. Fortunately, Zucker chose to go west.
As for the disappearing candidate Mr. Gore, all I know about him is that he was mighty buffed up for the presidential race. But the minute it was over, he started eating and fill-
ing himself up with instant gratification. They say he's pretty chubby these days.
EVERYONE KNOWS HIS NAME: And I hear that our former president, William Jefferson Clinton, has been hanging out three and four nights a week in one of Chappaqua's local saloons. He shoots the breeze and drinks non-alcoholic beer.
RICH TALK: Barbara Walters will air her sit-down with Denise Rich on "20/20" April 27. The talk took place in what is Fifth Avenue's largest privately owned apartment, which belongs to Denise, and includes whether or not the rich Ms. Rich knew what her husband was up to. Stories abound that Denise may have by now received immunity in the matter of presidential pardons by Bill Clinton.
-- Anonymous, April 17, 2001