BPA redeclares power emergency

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BPA Redeclares Power Emergency (04/16/01, 05:45 PM) (Portland) The Bonneville Power Administration redeclared a power emergency Monday, barring the release of water for salmon from federal dams for at least two more weeks.

Spilling water normally begins April 3rd, but it was canceled two weeks ago because the BPA's acting administrator, Steve Wright, declared a power emergency.

At a meeting of federal, state and tribal officials Friday in Portland, he said that the runoff forecast is still too low to both spill water for salmon and meet the region's power needs. BPA spokesman Ed Mosey says the agency's redeclaration is something of a formality.

An extensive salmon recovery plan requires water to be diverted from turbines and sent over spillways, offering young salmon safer passage to the sea at the cost of energy generation.


-- Anonymous, April 16, 2001

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