Malaysian vcd pirated or not : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

My dad bought some HK and English vcd in malaysia. I know the HK vcd are original. But some of the English vcd has writing DVD Video Cd on the cover. Are these suppose to be original or bootlegged or DVD Rip. Some Malaysian people out there please help me.

-- KennyK (, April 16, 2001


I'm not Malaysian but when a pressed VCD says DVD version or something like that on the cover you can be sure it is a shameless DVD rip. Personally, I believe there IS NOTHING wrong with ripping DVDs provided you own the DVD and you are making VCDs that you personally will use. The WRONG thing here is when you start making thousands en masse to sell: it is at this point you become a bonafide brother-at-arm of Captain Cook(!).

-- Mehmet Tekdemir (, April 17, 2001.

But are they counted as legit or original in Malaysia or they are counted as vcd got on the street for cheap.

-- KennyK (, April 17, 2001.

Officially they are treated and counted for what they are in Malaysia: pure pirated VCDs. Having said this some authorities there look the other way because it is said some of them actually ARE the pirates. They are found, not only on the streets but also in big shaopping malls ALONGSIDE the legitimate (and more expensive) original VCDs.

-- Mehmet Tekdemir (, April 18, 2001.

Thx for the help, but does it count as original and legit or pirated.

-- KennyK (, April 18, 2001.

Since you don't like any of the answers you've been given, I would suggest this. Go to and see if they offer the VCDs you have. I believe that these places only sell legitimate VCDs, so if they don't have what you have, I think you can assume it's a bootleg. You may not ever get a definitive answer to your question. I would also add that you should look at the back of your VCDs. If they look silver like a commercial audio CD, then they might be legit. If they have that CD-R bluish or greenish tint to them, then they're bootlegs for sure.

-- Jason Shumate (, April 18, 2001.

OK Thanx that explain definetely. I'll just call my vcd original.

-- KennyK (, April 18, 2001.

Kenny K, Those movies ARE counted as pirated. Bootlegs are illegal in Malaysia & anywhere else in the world. What is the movie in question? Generally if it is a relatively new movie, it's likely that it is pirated. If it has Chinese/English subtitles, it's pirated. If it says DVD on the cover (like you said), then it is an illegal DVD rip and that's pirated. How much did your dad pay for it? If it was dirt cheap like you can get in most parts of malaysia, then it is most likely pirated.

-- freeman (, April 19, 2001.

He bought it along side original. The same price as original.

-- KennyK (, April 19, 2001.

What are the movies? Do they have subtitles?

-- freeman (, April 19, 2001.

He bought: Meet the Parents, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, What Lies Beneath, and Romeo Must Die. They all have English subs. Crouching Tiger is in Mandarin.

-- KennyK (, April 19, 2001.

They were all on autoplay player when insert. And the opening would be a sign of DVD Video.

-- KennyK (, April 19, 2001.

Hi Kenny..

Almost all VCDs sold in Malaysia are pirates.If it is sold at USD1.50 each,I can confirm this is pirate , unless your dad being a tourist/foreigner was swindled by the vendor to pay more . The original videos (vcd/dvd/vhs ..) sold in Malaysia must have government cencorship board certicate attached . Hope this explained ..

-- pakcik (, April 20, 2001.

OK That explain.

-- KennyK (, April 20, 2001.

For more information on spotting pirate VCD from Malaysia have a look at this website - it contains the best information I have seen about buying legal vcd and how to spot a fake.

-- Miski Weerdext (, April 20, 2001.

Kenny, Meet The Parents & Crouching Tiger have NOT been released on original vcds. Yours must be pirated. Romeo Must Die & What Lies Beneath are available on original vcds but they do not have subtitles. If yours do, then they must be illegal DVD rips. Sorry. Note: I got information on availability of vcd movies from

-- freeman (, April 22, 2001.

OK my dad just told me that he bought those vcd for $5.00 Malaysian money. The HK movie have Dual Audio Cantonese and Mandarin. Are these suppose to be original maybe I can post some picture up if it's possible.

-- KennyK (, April 23, 2001.

I'm a Malaysian.Actually, it is illegal in Malaysia for owning a single pirated VCD.U can even jailed for this offence.Anyway,the vcd that ur dad bought for RM5 surely is the fogged one.

-- bernard Teoh (, December 29, 2001.

Where can i buy an original VCD or CD in Malaysia, Penang ?

-- christ (, January 08, 2002.

U can any original VCD in all state in malaysia.not penang.. penang is also famous for pirated VCD :). but any VCD u buy without goverment FINAS sticker can be consider a pirated one and it selling for around RM5.000-6.00 or US$1.50.. :) cheap huh ??? wether it DVD copy or what , it still a VCD Malaysia they selling original VCD at 16.90-39.90 (an average malaysian pay per day)so that why pirated VCD still selling like hotcake here... good for consumer.. hehhe

-- michaeltiang (, January 13, 2002.

malaysian vcds have chinese and malay sub titles. most chinese ones from china only have english but on the odd occassion they contain malay because they have been copied from malaysian ones.

off course, definitely, the vcds sold in street markets are pirated, the original you can only find in good video stores that sell dvds or vcd at legit prices obvisouly more than RM 5.00 to pay for a pirated one and it comes with a case and its good quality. Not those jerky cinema taken film and can hear ppl laughing in the background.

the point is, most ppl would see a film before it is even legally released in east asian nations. its cheap but if u want good quality, wait for the dvd releases and buy it at legit fair prices.

-- warc (, November 23, 2002.

i want know cause and effects of pirated cd in malaysia.

-- teo soon teck (, December 08, 2003.

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