Experts please help! : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
I am using tmpgenc and I-author to create SVCDs for sometime and everything works fine. This time one of my MPEG-2 (standard SVCD PAL) has no audio in it. At the same time other clips on the same SVCD play just perfect.I have tried to demux remux several times with different proggies to no avail. They all seems to demux remux without any errors (but final mpg has no audio!) except iFilmEdit which gives following error:
"Incorrect data at the end of the crop area (Player mark out or recorder mark out)"
Unfortunately I have lost the original DV footage and can't start from capturing-converting again.
Is there anyway I can fix this corrupted (or whatever) audio?
Is there anyway I can play the mpg on PC (Oh! it plays OK with voice; trouble starts only when I-author muxing resultes in no audio) and record the audio in avi format and convert it back to MPEG-1 layer-2. If so which soft to use and how to do it?
I will appreciate any suggestions.
Thanks in advance.
-- xms (, April 16, 2001
Thanks guys; I have figured it out!
-- xms (, April 17, 2001.