PC tips - choosing a new sound card link

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Audio Upgrade

The explosion of Net music means good PC sound has never been more important. If you're still using an older sound card, you might consider an upgrade, especially if you want to take advantage of the online music revolution. PS sound cards have gotten cheaper on one hand (more choices) and better on the other (in sound quality terms). Likewise with PC loudspeaker systems -- the best rival home audio loudspeakers, but they're designed for up-close listening by PC users. Most decent sound cards have stereo outputs that let you hook your PC up to your home stereo (check the archives), and some even have Dolby Digital outputs for DVD movies and the like. The Internet is poised to become a major source of music -- are you ready?

Click here for ZDNet's guide to choosing a new sound card http://www.zdnet.com/computershopper/filters/category/0,,7,00.html

Click here for CNET's Audio Resource Center http://www.gamecenter.com/Resources/Hardware/Audio/?tag=st.cn.sr1.ssr.gc_audio

- Dennis Ryan

-- Anonymous, April 16, 2001

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