Hey! Did any body get an invite to the "leftist" forum???

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Freedom! self reliance : One Thread

Happy Easter everyone! I just checked in and saw on the Lusenet board a forum called "Beyond the Sidewalks" so I took a gander and saw that it was most of the touchy feely folks....Is that why we're the "mean people" forum??? I thought it was really funny, anyway. Yet another split in the ideological membrane. Guess we can't "all just get along". What do you think....primary motivator question coming up here, let's see if I can figure out how to phrase it...several, really

1)Is it more important to have the truth or be happy?

2)Is it more important to be liked or respected?

3)Is it more important to have liberty or safety?

4)Is it more important to take care of your own or society at large?

I'm always full of questions, but if you would care to answer these few, that would be cool. Thanks for taking the time!

-- Dreen (animalwaitress@yahoo.com), April 15, 2001


1) Truth

2) Respected

3) Liberty

4) Your own first. If you do that well, there will be less need to care for in society at large.

Is this a trick quiz?? The answers seem so obvious, I think you may be trying to trick us!! Hee-Hee!! I know, I know, these answers only seem obvious to the meanies and the nasties. Take Care!

-- Wendy@GraceAcres (wjl7@hotmail.com), April 15, 2001.

I agree with Wendy's answers.

1) Truth. However, most people would rather be happy as evidenced by their heads in the sand, denying the truth that is right in front of them. Much easier to go about with a smile and 'be happy' than see/admit the destruction going on all around you I guess.

2) Respected. respect has always meant more to me. 3) Liberty but here again, most people opt for safety. Real freedom is pretty scary for most so they flee back to safety; it's easier.

4) I think things were better when the community took care of its' own. What's good in one area is not so good for another.

-- Lisa (tepeeclan@nidlink.com), April 16, 2001.

Yep, so far we're all meanies. So did you guys get invited? I didn't....I really feel slighted.lol. I am glad that they have a place where they can feel safe, though.

-- Dreen (bisquit@here.com), April 16, 2001.

Nope, I didn't get invited either.

1)the truth, though sometimes when I get it would rather have stayed happy...

2)my mind and spirit say respect, my heart says liked

3)Liberty, but again when it comes right down to making the choice, it's not an easy one!

4)I think taking care of your own should be the first priority, but we also have a moral obligation to help out the disadvantaged- BUT this should be voluntary. Otherwise, it embitters the giver( the one who has been stolen from), and weakens the recipients(who begin to feel entitled), and charity loses any meaning or sense of blessing someone, since after all you had no choice in the matter.

-- Rebekah (daniel@itss.net), April 16, 2001.

Nope, didn't get an invite to the "leftist" forum! Just as well, I wouldn't have gone there anyway! I'm definitely a "right winger" and now I guess I'm a meanie too! Glad to get the invite to this forum. I've been out of state but glad to see it's doing so well! Thanks Doreen for the invite! In response to your questions, I agree with everyone else!

-- Barb (barbaraj@mis.net), April 16, 2001.

Truth, Respect, Liberty, my own.

Am I branded as a leftist because I go there and find I can be of use?? I would like to think that I am welcome on both forums....

Or would it be 'leftist' because we don't complain when someone wants to know if dreams matter (or what they might mean)?? There are a lot of right wing persons there.... IF you look.

-- Sue Diederich (willow666@rocketmail.com), April 16, 2001.

No, Sue. I actually really can't stand all the labeling. Right, left, democrat, republican, blahdeblah. I didn't really spend much time there. I just read the "mission" thing and one other thread. They have all of the posters listed to the side which was why I said that "touchy, feely" thing. I can't see a thing wrong with helping people out when you can, nor in talking about dreams and what they might mean. Dreams are sometimes life changing things! As far as the religion thing goes, maybe I'm wrong, but from the intro and post titles it sounds like anything BUT Christianity is okay to talk about. As I said, I didn't spend much time there, so I don't really know what the discussions are about. If you are enjoying it, GOOD!!! Enjoy!

As for the "questions" above, the pulls of emotion that Rebekah described are what seems to seperate folks with a more individualist leaning from those with a more socialist leaning. I don't know anybody who doesn't WANT to be liked, but there's an offset that manifests itself societally when being liked is more important than being respected. Same for all the others, of course. Plus I did just want to find out if we were all meanies!!!lol.

-- Dreen (bisquit@here.com), April 16, 2001.

I took a peek yesterday, and I read that the "list of invitations" was taken from respondents to the pagen thread posted a while back. Now I feel better about not getting an invitation!

-- Cathy in NY (hrnofplnty@yahoo.com), April 18, 2001.

truth,respect,liberty,keeping my own house in order-and practicing charity.In regards to charity a person on CS lost some stock to a dog and I sent them some cash to help rebuild.I got a simple thank you and some nice refridgerator type art from each of the children.It choked me up.In fact I have a tear in my eye at the moment thinking about it.There was no loss of face or shame on the family's part.They showed character.I'm not sharing this to pat myself on the back but rather to show what the nature of true charity can be.These folks will help someone else in need in the future and the chain will continue.I'm grateful to them that they let me help in some small way.Ponder this and now think about how your money is stolen from you through taxes to feed the "welfare state".That is not kindness or charity.It is "entitlement" and ultimately slavery for the people that receive it.In regards to getting an invite to the touchy feely board I didn't get an invite either and I may be mischaracterizing them from your comments here.Guess I'll just have to "vibrate" all by my lonesome.It's good that they have their own playpen.as do we.This "balkanisation" of the boards is unfortunate because it limits debate and interchange.Perhaps it needs to be this way because some folks don't seem to understand exchange and perhaps never will.It is hard when folks have built a shell of dogma about themselves and the world as they percieve it when that shell is shattered by facts and logic.It "feels" nicer to keep the child like faith in magic rather than facing reality.They get angry and hate you for threatening their bubble.Me I'm gonna keep standing on my head every morning to keep the tigers away.Still no tigers in the living room.See how well it works!

-- greg (gsmith@tricountyi.net), April 19, 2001.

I'm not controversial enough to have been invited to either new forum - but HA-HA! I found them both!

-- Jean (schiszik@tbcnet.com), April 20, 2001.

Welcome, Jean! This isn't an invitation only place. I just sent some invites and then I got tired of copying email addys and figured those with the inclination to look would find it! God bless!

-- Doreen (bisquit@here.com), April 20, 2001.

Hi Dreen, I got invited to both, on the same day, how weird, huh? Especially for a Buddhist conservative card carrying Libertarian! It is possible to be both, and all, at the same time!!!

-- Annie Miller in SE OH (annie@1st.net), May 31, 2001.

Sorry if your forum czar decided my post on this thread was offensive...I know how sensitive some nazi types can be.


-- jumpoff joe (jumpoff@ecoweb.net), June 04, 2001.

Now my feelings are really hurt! I crashed this party but the other forum invited me!! Now I am sure Ken wishes I would forget my way back to that site :) By the way I was invited to the Countryside Forum to help with the goat information, boy are they sorry they asked now or what!! I truly wish that we could get Joel on here though, and JT they made things interesting. Vicki

-- Vicki McGaugh (vickilonesomedoe@hotmail.com), June 04, 2001.

JOJ, what is your basic malfunction??? I have never deleted any of your posts and to imply that I did is below crass, it is purely moronic.

Annie, you are indeed a unique individual!

Vicki, you didn't crash the party! I only sent out like 25 invites or so and since I didn't know much about this software or what the thing was going to turn out like I didn't know if you'd be interested, but i am SUPER tickled that you have chosen to come!!!

Everyone is welcome here, and the only rules are no excessive vulgarity and no disrespect for Christ. You do not have to be a Christian, just no banging on Jesus Christ-PERIOD.

-- Doreen (bisquit@here.com), June 04, 2001.

O.K. Doreen, no whacking Jesus,does this mean that we can say Mohammod feet stink, or Budda is a glutton, or Allah should have been aborted?

-- mitch hearn (moopups1@aol.com), June 04, 2001.

Doreen, with all due respect, I don't have any for you after that insulting remark. Brat.


-- jumpoff joe (jumpoff@ecoweb.net), June 04, 2001.

Hi Mitch ! stick around and see.I think you will find that very little bigotry will be tolerated,no matter which sacred cow it is directed at.Folks at BTS have been working over time to lurk here then bash us.I really resent being called a nazi.JOJ have any clue what nazi stands for? How about National SOCIALIST workers party.I've pretty much quit posting anywhere because of jerks such as yourself.Why troll here Joe? Perhaps you could demonstrate your true commitment to 0 population growth and go suck on a shotgun.Want to come here looking for a fight you will find one.Want to debate or offer an opposing veiw point no one will mess with you here.Quit trolling and post something useful or thought provoking.Now go over to BTS and tell them how mean we are.

-- greg (gsmith@tricountyi.net), June 10, 2001.

Having mulled over what I posted above and having a peak at what was going on on other forums.The thought occurs to me that this person is not actually Jump Off Joe but rather someone spoofing the name and email and trying to set us all against each other.What I have said still stands regardless.The person that I remember from CS known as JOJ was not as big a jerk as this poster.Does any one have an old email for Jump Off Joe?If it is an imposter I think Joe would like to be informed.

-- greg (gsmith@tricountyi.net), June 11, 2001.

I could be wrong, but wouldn't be very surprised if it really is Joe.

-- Rebekah (daniel1@itss.net), June 11, 2001.

Greg, my post was meant to enlighten those who do not yet understand that there is one SOURCE OF DEVINITY, whom appears in different cultures with different names. Would an Arab name THE SOURCE "Ching", or would a person from China use the name "JEHOVA"?

It seems that GOD made man in HIS likeness; so man returned the favor by making GOD in his likeness, this means: apperance, culture, mannor of speach, ect. Do images of Budda appear Western or Spanish? Do artist consepts of CHRIST appear to be from Europe or native Australians? Maybe a bit of "mind opening" is in order.

-- mitch hearn (moopups1@aol.com), June 16, 2001.

"Folks at BTS have been working over time to lurk here then bash us."

greg, as a lurker on all the forums I can tell you that you flatter yourself. you need to get a grip!!!mitch, open mind??? really now, what a novel idea.

-- chicken little (theskyisfalling@chickens.com), June 16, 2001.

I have not yet recieved an answer from Doreen, whom the question was aimed at in the first place. Are the millions of people in China going to hell because they have never heard of JESUS? If GOD gave a party would ALLAH or BUDDA sit at HIS Right side. Would they gang up on THOR? Suppose JA and JEHOVA got drunk and started arm wreseling, would MOHAMMOD be offended? Where do these SUPERIOR BEINGS hang out at? Do THEY take turns being in charge?

Each and every culture has their own beliefs and interputations of THE SOURCE, no culture has ever been found that did not have a belief of something. Every culture likes to believe that they are superior to the others and have invented a scripture or stories to back them up and this has been going on for centuries.

Greg, your postured for a challenge; disprove me with out using anybodies printed fables...

The truth is that no human being will know without crossing that final line.

-- mitch hearn (moopups1@aol.com), June 19, 2001.

Mitch, I am studying Proverbs and trying harder to follow the wisdom it contains. It directs you to not reprove a scorner as it will only make them more hostile, therefore I will not get into this argument with you. Have a nice day.

-- Doreen (bisquit@here.com), June 19, 2001.

I've been off line for a while.I wasn't looking for a fight with you Mitch.I meant just what I said I don't think much bigotry would be tolerated here no matter which sacred cow it was directed at.As far as being postured for a fight, JOJ or the person purporting to be him is the one slinging names about(nazis? c'mon).A little correction God and Allah are one and the same.The line goes there is no God (allah) but God and Mohammed is his prophet.Why are you looking to argue religion Mitch?What printed fables are you talking about and how did I get included other than to say that yeah if someone wants to denegrate ANYONES religion they might be in for a bit of bumpy road here.What am I supposed to be debating with you or disproving?I didn't think you were itching for a fight.I figured you were being puckish and posting rhetoricly.Was I wrong?Folks here left countryside to get away from the baiting and bullshit.I thought it was neat that you had popped over here and were posting.I can think of only one time on CS that I lit you up and that was when you were being nasty to someone.On the whole I think you are a contributor of good solid information and experience.Take it for what you will.Personaly I'm fed up with the fighting.

-- greg (gsmith@tricountyi.net), June 20, 2001.

Greg, what caught my attention was Doreens statement about "no bashing Jesus", I then asked what about the other cultures Devine Beings? I got ignored, what if THOR steped fordward and claimed the earth as his own, or JA, or JEHOVA, maybe MOHAMMOD or BUDDA. Millions of Chineese are going to hell because they have never heard of JESUS? We are products of our cultures, their belifefs as has been handed down for generations and we pretend to know what is beyond the final line, truth is we don,t know and for someone to claim to know is plain bs. I find this site infested with too many people who are convinced that they know,, but cannot prove anything except that they can hide behind printed fables, ( be it the Bible, the Koran , the combined works of Budda, JA messages, ect). As for Hoot being deleted at CS, the same message 353 times got a bit boaring (run Hoots e mail address through a search engine and take a count). Compare that with how many Christan conversions you can record. Truth is , in my opinion, he was a mascott that out lived his usefulness; maybe 5% of countryside readers came here, squaked a lot, proved nothing, and did no damage whatsoever, even though they thought they could damage an enity as large as countryside.

-- mitch hearn (moopups1@aol.com), June 21, 2001.

353? Wow! Thank God that His Word has gone out!!!! I hope for a THOUSAND souls to be saved for EACH ONE OF THOSE 353 posts! He is STILL in control! Matt.24:44

-- hoot (hoot@pcinetwork.com), June 21, 2001.

Hi Mitch, I would really rather that you didn't bash any one's god or religion here.... but I will not tolerate bashing of GOD at all. That is my meaning and I hope you understand it okay. I felt that it was clearly delineated in the forum guidelines that the judeo Christian God: Jehovah Jireh, Yahweh, Yah, God (with a big G) and Jesus as the Lord God manifest in flesh was not to be bashed.

Please do some research and see if you can't find something out about the tribe of folks in China who when contacted by missionaries reported to them that they worshipped Yaowe, or something very close to that spelling.i read an article about them long ago before I had internet access and there was some speculation that they were the famed Lost Tribe of Israel.....I do not know, but I found it kind of neat. I think you might find that interesting. And also, the Bible clearly explains that all people are given the opportunity to worship God in truth and His witness is even in the sky. I trust the Lord God creator of all to be just and do what is right.

-- Doreen (bisquit@here.com), June 21, 2001.

Doreen, your quote (June 4th) was: "just no banging on Jesus Christ- PERIOD." I do not see how this could be taken to mean the other names for God in other cultures. It looks exactly like what it says. The capitalization of the word period makes you look intolerant, uneducated, closed minded; I challenged that appearance to determine whether this site was up to date enough to continue here. I was ignored, so I stired a little deeper, finally I had to call you by name to get you to step out to prove you could think differently than you first appeared. When I post it is not on impulse; I write, rewrite, proof read before I hit the submit buttun to avoid ruffering feathers and I find that I comunicate much better with all conserned and there is a reward waiting for you at: http://www.reata.org/interview.html (an interview with God).

And would someone please tell Hoot that there is more than one verse in the Bible.

-- mitch hearn (moopups1@aol.com), June 22, 2001.

I was invited to Beyond the Starwalks , but they were to conservative for me .

I'd rather be with the Barbarians . They have more life to them .

-- Steve (unreal@home.com), September 24, 2003.

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