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Well, ezboard is just one big frustration today. Can't connect at all. I think Old Git did good to move us over here where we can continue to exchange news and commentary.
-- Anonymous, April 15, 2001
yeah. the question is, will EZboard come back up?
-- Anonymous, April 15, 2001
Barefoot, have you heard something we don't know about EZ Board?
-- Anonymous, April 15, 2001
I agree with you Gordon about Old Git having the foresight on opening this board up away from ezboard.Kinda odd that so many other off shoots of TB, that were suppose to be an alternative...in case something happened to TB, are on ezboard and you can't get to them either.
-- Anonymous, April 15, 2001
haven't heard anything that y'all haven't. But, according to the last figures, which whatshisname was 'happy' about, they have very little time left. At least, that's the way I see it.Since it is Easter weekend I wonder just how many employees they have working....
-- Anonymous, April 15, 2001
Even a stopped clock is right twice a day! I appreciate the compliments but, come on, you guys--what d'ya expect from a doomer???When I read ezboard had laid off 30 of its 45 employees, I figured they weren't real healthy. They're running 24/7 with 15 people including sales and development??? They've been spoiled, never thinking it might end, and not having to cut corners. I think I got REALLY cold feet when Vanchau went on vacation just as ezboard announced it would have to go to a paying format and TSHTF with the customers. Not A Good Thing.
-- Anonymous, April 15, 2001
I think it was a last minute money grab. I wonder how many members sent in the subscription fee? It looks like EZ got the last laugh on those who did. I will be posting here if there are no objections.Kip
-- Anonymous, April 15, 2001
Kip, I think your right about it being a last minute money grab. I came real close in sending money to them, until Old Git started sounding the warning bells. Hope to see more of you here.
-- Anonymous, April 15, 2001
yo kip, i insist you hangout!as to the money, nobody likes to get ripped off, but crimminy, it's only $7. i consider that for services rendered and a bargain at that. TB2K is now up, but not some of the others.
-- Anonymous, April 15, 2001
Um, I think that's what ezboard is counting on, Dave--people saying, oh, it's not that much, just $7. And it's not very much, not for the individual--but it amounts to a nice chunka change for ezboard, especially if they're going to take the money and run. It's the principle of the thing--I just don't want them to add my $7 to the pile I think they're making.
-- Anonymous, April 15, 2001
Git, I believe you hit the nail right on the head. I posted the official EZ explanation on Saro's thread.Kip
-- Anonymous, April 15, 2001
BWD, So this is where you have been hiding out. Good to see you ol buddy.Kip
-- Anonymous, April 15, 2001