Could Drug Shortages Be Related to Y2K-Related Problems? (Long) : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

Could Drug Shortages Be Related to Y2K-Related Problems? (Long) : LUSENET : Grassroots Information Coordination Center (GICC) : One Thread

This posting includes a very long list of URLs pertaining primarily to drug shortages. A general statement on the topic of drug shortages can be found on a recent thread on GICC now in the archives under "Health": "Y2K-related problems and the pharmaceutical industry? More predicted coincidences?" That thread is reprinted in part here as a preface to the list:

"Carl Jenkins posted a thread on GICC on March 30, 2001 entitled: Anesthesia drug shortage shrinks margin of safety The article was wideranging and mentioned other shortages beyond anesthesia.

This is one of a growing number of threads on problems in the pharmaceutical industry, problems of a sort that were predicted prior to January 1, 2000.

A summary of observations by an engineer in January of 2001 may well shed light on the root causes of some of the problems that are becoming evident in the pharmaceutical industry, not to mention other sectors. The summary is a result of an exchange I had with an engineer who has direct knowledge of IT and embedded control system problems in the field. Here is a excerpt from the summary:

"I said that I have been hearing about shortages in the pharmaceutical industry and asked (the engineer) if he thought this might be related to (Y2K-related) problems (involving) manufacturing processes. He said that there are manufacturing problems and that too many bugs have slowed manufacturing processes. He added that there is a major shortage of computer components and that the parts that are available are often parts that have been put back in stock even though they do not work. He said he has found the same to be the case when it comes to other technology companies and parts vendors...."

~ From 1/30/2001 Summary of an Engineer's Observations Regarding the Status of Ongoing Y2K-Related Embedded Systems and Complex Integrated Systems Problems Compiled by Paula Gordon (With a minor revision made 2/1/2001)

Note: The Summary of an Engineer's Observations..." is now posted at The summary focuses on problems of the sort that were predicted prior to the January 1, 2000 rollover have been occurring in a wide range of sectors. This summary of observations of an engineer provides abundant clues concerning the possible causes of problems that are evident in the energy sector and in other sectors as well. "

End of quote from the previous GICC thread


The following list of references appears here owing to the extraordinary efforts of Murray Charters of Toronto, Canada. Gail Vass was instrumental in helping coordinate this volunteer effort and bring it to fruition. Thanks to them both. I hope that this list of references will be widely circulated and prove helpful to many.

The majority of these references pertain to drug shortages or sources of information concerning drug shortages. I have also included a list of references that pertain to meningitis and a briefer list that pertains to Parkinson's Disease, subjects of particular interest to Mr. Charters.

* spot shortage of certain hemophilia factor products

October 29, 1999 Shortage of Intravenous Penicillin G -- United States

Drug shortage hits Vanni hospital [TamilNet, June 28, 2000 15:47 GMT]

Saving Lives When a Drug is in Short Supply June 30, 2000 Drug Shortages - Contents

Current Drug Shortage List - Drug Shortages June 30, 2000

New York Times Jan. 03, 2001 Drug Shortages Become Worry at Hospitals Around the Country

Thursday February 8, 3:00 pm Eastern Time BusinessWeek Online THE BIOTECH BEAT -- Immunex' Supply-Side Cliffhanger

Patients vs profits as drug wars start

Wall Street Journal WASHINGTON, March 6 - Hospitals in several areas of the country are experiencing dire shortages of some anesthetics and other drugs used during surgery, forcing some to reschedule medical operations.

Monday March 12 09:26 PM EST Anesthetic Shortage In Hospitals

Tuesday March 27 5:38 PM ET FDA Says Anesthetic Shortage Resolved

Wednesday March 28 03:22 AM EST Some Hospital Drugs In Short Supply

Anesthesia drug shortage shrinks margin of safety March 29, 2001 Anesthesiologists are concerned about the shortage of key drugs needed for patients during surgery

Monday April 2 5:53 PM ET Experimental Egg-Free Flu Vaccine Promising

Wednesday April 4, 6:02 am Eastern Time CenterWatch Forecasts Shortage of Clinical Trial Investigators by 2005

Thursday April 5 1:25 PM ET UK Outbreak of Tuberculosis Worst for Many Years

U.S. Food and Drug Administration Center for Drug Evaluation and Research - Drug Shortages

Pharmacy shelves emptying - January 15, 2001 Manufacturing problems increase drug shortages

House of Representatives Prescription Drug Task Force

FDA Drug Shortages Page

FDA Product Recalls, Alerts, and Warnings. FDA posts press releases and other notices of recalls from the firms involved as a service to consumers, the media, and other interested parties.

American Society of Health-System Pharmacists Drug Product Shortage Management Resource Center (Scroll down for Bullitens and Links)

Drug Shortages Seem Plentiful, Frequent BETHESDA, MD, 7 April 2000

lmproving drug supply in the province, 28 March 2001

In Africa, price just one obstacle to AIDS drugs - April 2, 2001

Pentagon to limit anthrax shots in face of vaccine shortage - July 10, 2000

Senate panel examines Pentagon anthrax vaccine shortage (12-Jul-00)

April 6, 2001, Drug Shortage Alert, FDA:

Drug Shortage

Anesthesiologists Call for Investigation of Widespread Shortages of Anesthetic Drugs PARK RIDGE, Ill. (March 5, 2001)

The Case Of The Curious Drug Shortage

Drug shortage causes rationing WASHINGTON (AP) Tuesday, February 20, 2001

Vaccine Shortages - Tetanus shots is short supply

Thursday, June 17, 1999 Delhi govt's drug policy -- A hit with everybody but MCD

Pharmaceutical shortfalls trigger treatment dilemmas Many drugs are in short supply, and the solutions to the complex problem are elusive. By Susan J. Landers, AMNews staff. March 26, 2001

Is drug shortage spreading?

ASHP Calls for Drug-Shortage Experience Reports for 2000 Annual Meeting BETHESDA, MD, 14 January 2000-Do you have a practical strategy to share on dealing with drug product shortages, including short- and long-term back orders and products that are constantly unavailable? ASHP can use your in put for the special pearls session "Creative Strategies for Dealing with Drug Shortages" to be held at the upcoming Annual Meeting 2000 in Philadelphia this June. Suggested topics include working with your administration, group purchasing organization, prime vendors and other distributors, pharmacy and therapeutics committee, chiefs of services, medical staff, and nursing and inservice education departments. Please contact Joseph Deffenbaugh, at 301-657-3000 ext. 1250, for more information.


Institute for Safe Mediciation Practices (ISMP®) ISMP MEDICATION SAFETY ALERT! Volume 6, Issue 5 March 7, 2001 March 5, the American Society of Anesthesiology contacted the FDA and US Drug Enforcement Agency, the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, and several anesthetic manufacturers and distributors asking them to participate in an immediate fact-finding mission to put an end to the critical drug shortage . A meeting date has not been set. Last month, over 300 practitioners responded to our survey on drug shortages and its impact on patient safety and interdisciplinary professional relationships. Look for the results in the next edition of the newsletter.

Tetanus vaccine in short supply

Rabies claims more Afghan victims At least 80 people were attacked by dogs in March, but there is not enough vaccine April 10, 2001

UK parents warned on TB April 6, 2001 The government recently announced it would resume the routine immunisation of schoolchildren against TB, which was halted in 1999 because manufacturing problems led to a shortage of the Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccine.

And... drugs aren't the only shortages.....

Health Care Issues

'Frightening' U.S. blood shortage delaying surgery September 19, 2000

Houston blood shortage delays surgeries April 6, 2001

Wednesday 11 April 2001 NHS staff crisis worsens despite cash injection

Tuesday, April 10, 2001 Nursing shortage affects nonprofit hospitals' fiscal positions

Tuesday, April 10, 2001 Don't take doctors, S. Africa begs,1249,270011369,00.html?

Tuesday, April 10, 2001 Nomadic 'travel nurses' fill shortages at hospitals Their rent paid at ever-changing locales, the calling suits many.

Tuesday, Apr. 10, 2001 at 01:34 CDT More hospitals may sue insurers (cash shortfall)

January 14, 2001 Hospitals' nurse shortage is starting to affect patients

April 8, 2001 Citing nursing shortage, man sues Norfolk hospital

Sunday April 08 10:44 PM EDT Nursing Shortage Is Raising Worries on Patients' Care By MILT FREUDENHEIM and LINDA VILLAROSA The New York Times

Sunday, April 08, 2001 Nation's nurse shortage fuels concerns over patient care,1249,270011055,00.html?

Shortage of nurses ails Iowa 04/04/2001 By TONY LEYS Register Staff Writer

AMSA: Bush Should Protect, Expand Health Service Corps as Solution to Health Disparities, Access Crises

Drugs in Short Supply

Thursday, December 21, 2000 Arthritis patients warned new drug in short supply

Dragging feet on drug shortage? Sunday, February 25, 2001

'No Drug Shortage At RVH' Daily Observer (Banjul) March 1, 2001

Prescription drug shortage plagues area hospitals

No drug shortage in local hospitals

Availability of Influenza Virus Vaccine 2000-2001

Why Is There a Flu Vaccine Shortage?

Treatment Prevents Flu FDA: Flu Treatment Drug Can Prevent Illness, Too

Flu Vacine Shortage is Due to Low Price Not Manufacturing Problems


FDA Finds Problems at Lilly's Injectable Products Plant

Cycloserine caps ( a World Shortage drug )

Search WHO (type in +drug +problem +shortage) 100+ hits

The drugs business, like any other industry, is governed by the laws of supply and demand. If there is a shortage of raw material.... _trade/production/production.stm

Fair use for education and research use only British Medical Journal -Jan. 20, 2001 Prescription drug shortages plague US.(News) Author/s: Fred Charatan Issue: Jan 20, 2001 Prescription drug shortages have been worrying doctors, pharmacists, and federal regulators over the past six months, especially in the hospital sector. A few years ago a hospital might run short of one or two critical drugs a year, whereas in the past year the number has run to as many as two dozen drugs. In October, for example, Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston found itself unable to buy sufficient supplies of oxytocin, which is used in almost every one of its 10 000 annual deliveries. Doctors therefore had to cut back on their use of the drug. Fortunately no patient suffered, said Dr David Acker, the hospital's chief of obstetrics. The University of Utah's hospitals and clinics ran out of flumazenil (Romazicon)--which is a benzodiazepine antagonist, used to reverse the central sedative effects of benzodiazepines, after anaesthetic and other procedures--and for which there is no generic equivalent. Flu vaccine was in short supply nationwide last year, when the four manufacturers licensed to make it had difficulty growing one of the three flu strains. Small distributors of the vaccine, according to hospitals, were asking $150 (100 [pounds sterling]) for a 10 dose vial, against the usual price of $20-$30 a vial.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, asked for the first doses of available vaccine to be given to those at high risk of complications from flu, such as elderly people. Last November, in some south Florida towns, long queues of elderly people formed outside supermarkets and retail pharmacies where flu vaccine was advertised at $12 a shot bur ran out before the demand could be met. Many complained that their own doctors could not obtain the vaccine.

Some prescription drugs are imported from abroad and may be flawed in quality and potency. Congress passed the Prescription Drug Marketing Act in 1997, which tried to eliminate the "grey" market for drugs, under which small drug wholesale distributors obtain drugs often illegally, and resell them at large markups to hospitals unable to obtain them from regular suppliers. But regulators say that the law has been ineffective and is full of loopholes. Drugs in short supply that are sold on the grey market have been estimated to top $1bn (about 1% of total sales of prescription drugs in 1999).

The reasons for the shortage of prescription drugs include manufacturing difficulties; "just in time" inventories, whereby hospitals keep minimal supplies on hand to save outlays and storage space; and price inflation, which was particularly the case with flu vaccine. Such inflation has meant that hospitals and clinics cannot afford to buy the quantities that they need.

The American Society of Health System Pharmacists was so upset by the shortage of flu vaccine that it protested to the health and human services secretary, Donna Shalala. It complained that its members were not receiving any, or only a small proportion of, their orders, and yet flu vaccine was available in shopping malls, supermarkets, and other retail outlets.

Fred Charatan Florida The US Food and Drug Administration has set up a website to monitor drug shortages at COPYRIGHT 2001 British Medical Association

Genzyme remakes purchasing to maximize supply value

Inside FDA: When a Drug Is in Short Supply

ACC News January 1, 2001 Isoproterenol No Longer Available for Use in EP Studies

Naloxone Hydrochloride Shortage-Update 5 April 2001

Measures to address drug shortage in clinics, 18 April 2000

Drug Shortage Imagine you're at the hospital for a scheduled surgery or procedure. Everything's on course, but all of sudden, there's a problem: the hospital doesn't have the anesthetic your doctor wants to use or it's out of the medication used to treat your nausea or your having a baby and there's no drug available to induce birth. According to the New York Times, hospitals around the country are experiencing these problems and more. We speak to Bill Goveia, Pharmacy Director at New England Medical Center in Boston about the shrinking supply of many common prescription drugs.

Drug Shortages: ACTH for West's Syndrome in Babies

06/30/2000 | Drugs News/New Drugs | How To Find Drug Info | Related Info: Drug Regulations; Drug Safety Infantile spasms, or West's syndrome, is a sometimes crippling and even life-threatening seizure disorder that affects about 3,000 babies a year in the United States. The only drug that helps prevent the spasms is Acthar gel (ACTH), and that drug's only manufacturer is Rhone-Poulenc Rorer Pharmaceuticals Inc.

For several months in 1996, Rhone-Poulenc stopped making Acthar because of manufacturing difficulties. A crisis resulted, with insufficient supplies to treat patients with West's syndrome and other diseases.

While the company worked with the Food and Drug Administration to fix problems in its plant, the nonprofit National Organization for Rare Disorders helped dole out the very limited supplies for emergency cases of infantile spasms and other conditions. "During the shortage, even some people with severe pain from rheumatoid arthritis couldn't get the drug in favor of babies with life-threatening West's syndrome," says NORD president Abbey Meyers.

Severe drug shortages like this one are infrequent, but a minor supply problem creating a potential shortage usually arises about once or twice a month, says FDA's drug shortage coordinator, Mark Goldberger.

Hospitals Rationing Tetanus Shots Saving Shots Due to Vaccine Shortages By Lauran Neergaard The Associated Press W A S H I N G T O N, Feb. 19

Tetanus Toxoid Shortage-Update 23 March 2001

Tetanus is a dangerous, though quite rare, infection. Forty-one cases of tetanus were reported to the CDC in 1998, the last year that statistics are available. Infection carries a fatality rate of more than 30%.

This has been a problem in the past...

February 22, 1985 Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis Vaccine Shortage

More recently....

December 28, 2000 - Tetanus-Diphtheria (Td) Shortage Continues The California Department of Health Services (CDHS) Immunization Branch has advised local health departments that the Td shortage may persist until late January or early February. CDC recommends that providers experiencing difficulty obtaining sufficient Td supplies prioritize use as follows: 1. Persons needing tetanus prophylaxis for wound management. 2. Persons traveling to countries where the risk of diphtheria is high (e.g. developing countries and countries of the former Soviet Union.) In addition, children 7 years and older needing Td for school entry should be immunized. According to the State Immunization Branch, pediatric DT contains the same quantity of tetanus toxoid and may be used if available. However, patients should be advised that due to the higher dose of diphtheria, there maybe an increased local reaction. If a health care provider is unable to obtain Td for wound management, single-antigen tetanus toxoid can be used. Unfortunately the Department of Public Health does not have a sufficient supply of Td to distribute to other health care providers. It is recommended that health care providers maintain a list to facilitate recalling low risk patients who are not immunized due to non-availability of Td.


Meningitis scare makes for long lines, short supplies

Feb. 16, 2001, 9:31AM Meningitis vaccines offer hope Researchers cite increased options

Grande Prairie, Alberta Two cases of meningitis confirmed Father and son diagnosed

Grande Prairie, Alberta - Infection confirmed

Meningitis vaccinations unlikely this school year

April 10, 2001 London, Ontario Mass inoculation begins The Middlesex-London Health Unit vaccinated thousands of university, college and high school students against the deadly meningococcal disease in London yesterday with few hitches.

April 12, London, Ontario - Students line up for immunizations Nearly 90 per cent of high school students have chosen to be vaccinated against the deadly meningococcal disease, health officials say

Friday 13 April 2001 B.C. wins approval for new vaccine The unlicensed drug will be used in mass immunization against meningitis

April 13, 2001 Precautions taken after Manitoba day care worker contracts meningitis

Friday, April 13, 2001 Updated 4:25 PM CDT Houston Chronicle - SPECIAL REPORT: Meningitis MENINGITIS VACCINATIONS RECOMMENDED FOR SOME

Meningitis: The argument for mass vaccinations

Meningococcal Disease among College Students October 20, 1999 Contact: (404) 639-3286 ACIP Modifies Recommendations for Meningitis Vaccination

Oct. 21, 1999 Panel urges college meningitis warning

Meningitis Vaccine 05/18/2000 Scientists believe that they are close to beating meningitis once and for all, it emerged last night. They are currently developing a vaccine against the most common deadly form, meningitis B.

August 28 2000 BRITAIN Meningitis C vaccine 'is not linked to deaths'

Viral disease is mild; bacterial is deadly Nov. 29, 2000 Meningitis can be caused by either a virus or a bacterium. While viral meningitis is relatively mild, bacterial meningitis is life-threatening and requires prompt treatment.

Monday January 29, 2001 Charles Mérieux, the French virologist who pioneered the large-scale industrial production of vaccines that have saved millions of lives, has died aged 94.,4273,4126211,00.html

Feb. 1, 2001, 10:00AM Meningitis scare makes for long lines, short supplies

Vaccination Against GROUP C MENINGOCOCCAL MENINGITIS and SEPTICAEMIA 9 February 2001 A new vaccine, called Men C, can protect against Group C meningitis and septicaemia. By the end of 2000, the vaccine will have been offered to everyone under 18 in the UK.

Millions at the mercy of drug giants By Sarah Boseley in Johannesburg Guardian Unlimited Wednesday February 14, 2001,4273,4136247,00.html

Feb. 16, 2001, 9:31AM Meningitis vaccines offer hope Researchers cite increased options

DBMD - Meningococcal Disease - General Information Summary: Meningitis is usually caused by a viral or bacterial infection. For bacterial meningitis, it is also important to know which type of bacteria is causing the meningitis because antibiotics can prevent some types from spreading and infecting other people. 16254 bytes, updated 03-10-2001

Sunday, 18 March, 2001, 14:28 GMT Meningitis epidemic hits Burkina Faso

Thursday, 29 March, 2001, 17:00 GMT 18:00 UK Burkina Faso meningitis deaths top 900 The meningitis epidemic affecting Burkina Faso has continued to worsen.

Grande Prairie, Alberta Two cases of meningitis confirmed Father and son diagnosed

Grande Prairie, Alberta - Infection confirmed

Meningitis vaccinations unlikely this school year

-- What (do@you.think?), April 15, 2001



~ From 1/30/2001 Summary of an Engineer's Observations Regarding the Status of Ongoing Y2K-Related Embedded Systems and Complex Integrated Systems Problems Compiled by Paula Gordon (With a minor revision made 2/1/2001)

You must be new here. Paula Gordon did not and never has known what the hell she was talking about when it came to Y2K and embedded anything. The woman wouldn't know one if she saw one. She has been completely wrong about everything she said about them. There is not and never hasbeen any embedded problems because of the Y2K rollover.

-- Cherri (, April 15, 2001.


~ From 1/30/2001 Summary of an Engineer's Observations Regarding the Status of Ongoing Y2K-Related Embedded Systems and Complex Integrated Systems Problems Compiled by Paula Gordon (With a minor revision made 2/1/2001)

You must be new here. Paula Gordon did not and never has known what the hell she was talking about when it came to Y2K and embedded anything. The woman wouldn't know one if she saw one.

She has been completely wrong about everything she said about them. There is not and never hasbeen any embedded problems because of the Y2K rollover.

-- Cherri (, April 15, 2001.

What - I think you are on to something here. I initially dismissed y2k as the paranoid fantasy of a bunch of fascist looney tunes.....UNTIL dumbya got elected. Now I realize that dumbya will do anything to get re-elected. If that means manufacturing a phony computer crisis so that he can declare martial law and suspend elections, so be it. I would be very worried about any y2k failures, except the right-wing media who helped dumbya seize power is conviently avoiding the issue.

-- read (between@the.lines), April 15, 2001.

I was wrong about Y2K

-- Uncle Bob (, April 15, 2001.

But I thought it was Klintoon who was going to use Y2K as an excuse to declair marshal law so he could prevent an election so he could stay in office.

Dang...... I must be confused.

(yea, I know saying that is just asking for for certain people to pick it up and fly with it).

-- Cherri (, April 15, 2001.

Does Y3K know about this?

-- What (does@he.think?), April 15, 2001.

declair marshal law

er, annual or anal?

-- Payback's a bitch with grammar (, April 15, 2001.

Uncle Bob:

Your last post isn't like you at all. I'd not really understood those who couldn't spell until I married one of them. [I seem to be attracted to these non-spellers, as SO can't spell worth shit either.] Cherri has stated that she's dyslexic, but I haven't seen any symptoms of that. Dyslexics see the word god and interpret dog. They see dog and interpret god.

Anyway, this lack of spelling ability is DEFINITELY genetic. I have one daughter who struggles just like Cherri. She needed braces [just like her father did] and has the second toe longer than the big toe [just like her father]. There are dictionaries for folks like this, and I've bought my share of them. They're for folks who would never dream of nephew having a ph for the "f" sound. English is the only language wherein ghoti can be pronounced FISH.

I shared an office once with a woman who couldn't spell. She was then, and still is a great mathematician, and could solve computer problems at the drop of a hat. Her mom and her sister could spell, but they had NO common sense. They never thought ahead regarding their money and would wait until their shoes [for instance] fell apart and pay top dollar to pay for replacements while my office mate would look at her shoes and think, "These won't last more than 2 months. I'd better start checking NOW for sales on a new pair."

I don't really remember you being a poster at TB2000, Uncle Bob, but I surely remember the words of posters stating that Clinton would declare martial law rather than concede that he couldn't hold office another term. If you were there, you remember that, too.

-- Anita (, April 16, 2001.

You mean your second toe ISN'T supposed to be longer than your big toe?

-- Jack Booted Thug (, April 16, 2001.


It's a little joke from me to Cherri. She busted my spelling chops this morning before I had a chance to finish my 1st cup of java. Check this out, Uncle Bob kan't spell in the harm intended, no offense ment...

-- Uncle Bob (, April 16, 2001.

-- Uncle Bob (, April 16, 2001.

That explains it to my satisfaction, Uncle Bob. [Dang...I knew we'd never agreed on anything political, but I hated to see that "He's a helluva nice guy" icon fade before me.] Please accept my apology.

-- Anita (, April 16, 2001.

I don't remember Clinton stealing elections, but I do remember dubya doing it. Prepare for y2k people, its coming down the pike.

-- y2k preps now (you@better.prep), April 16, 2001.

"But I thought it was Klintoon who was going to use Y2K as an excuse to declair marshal law so he could prevent an election so he could stay in office."

It doesn't really matter, Cherri. One of these days you'll see that both of these clowns really do serve and answer to the same mega-rich industrialists that collectively are often referred to as the NWO. Call them what you like, they still run the show. The erosion of our rights began under Republican administrations as far back as Tricky Dick and has continued unrelentingly through both Democrat and Republican presidents. It just got kicked into high gear under the Clintons because we are in the end-game and they are tired of things going so slowly. Just watch how much Baby Bush rolls back all the draconian laws and precidents regarding the so-called War on Drugs. Hint: he'll just implement even more. Wake up Sheeple of America before it fully becomes Amerika.

-- Concerned Citizen (CC@liberty.for.all), April 16, 2001.

martial??? Geeze that doesn't sound the least like it is speeled! Anita, dyslexia shows itself in different ways, I understand about your friend, spelling has always been difficult to me, I look back on so many of my posts in 1998 when we were discussing Y2K and cring. It seems that having this kind of dyslexia has been a benifit to me in the long run, I tend to think in symbols rather than words. This had enabled me to comprehend and understand digital electronics easily. My co-workers at Boeing were like me in that (at least those who were good at the job), our shift logs were undecipherable to "normal" people. I have Charles to thank for my spelling inproving though, he convinced me to get a spell checker which works most of the time because I spell logically which is not how American language works. I do know tenses, the corret word that belongs somewhere, (mostly) such as sense, since, cents, which a lot of people who depend totally on spell checkers make mistakes on. I definatly understand the humor in mispelling as I do, I was wondering if UB had made an unconsious commentary on the tax system. People who can read something and memorize it do better in our school system, I usually cannot remember it until I understand it, then I know it forever.

A few years ago I went to a school board meeting and talked to the superentendant of schools about dyslexia, asking that they use it to the advantage of the students as apposed to lumping them into a group of students that had real learning disabilities. Especially in todays world of technology where logic and comprehention is more important to working on digital equipment then the abity to memorize. I wouldn't change the way my mind works with anyone.

-- Cherri (, April 16, 2001.

not only were the y2krackaddicts WRONG about y2k, they were MAGNIFICANTLY wrong. TOTALLY and COMPLETELY WRONG

Hell, Yourdonfer couldn't even bring himself to finish his post-MOREDUMBS on his waste-of-electron essays of complete and total BULLSH*T.

-- Happy Pollie (!), April 17, 2001.

Happy Pollie aka Charles P. Reuben,

You are a pathetic dried up old man who wastes his time in front of his computer typing, "I told you so! I told you so!"

I'll bet if you live another 10 years you will be doing the same.

Do you see how pathetic this makes you?

-- What (do@you.think?), April 17, 2001.

heh heh heh. yet another doomzombie that can't get anything right. no I'm not cpr, but I'm sure he is enjoying the laugh at the idiots of doom just as much as I am.

Good to know that I can probably drop in years from now and still get a laugh from the y2krackaddicts and their attempts to justify their failed fear brigade!

Ha! LOL!

-- Very Happy Polly (lol@doom.zombies), April 20, 2001.

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