HUMOR: PEEPS!!!!!! : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

Marshmallow Peeps -- the stuff that art and legends are made of! While you are trying to work off your sugar high from your Easter basket, surf the web for vestiges and sugar crumbs of this startling new art form.

The Peepy links will take you to some of the glories of peepdom.

Warning: there is a Romeo and Juliet version done with peeps on a link I got to that has crude language, and some of the X-files short stories links lead to writings my 9 year old very much wanted to see and I had to physically drag her away. Some of the sites do violent things to peeps.

Maybe by this time next year I will have turned you all into peek geeks. Go on, admit it -- once you start looking at these sites you are powerless to stop. Not only that, but you are itching to get out your camera.


-- Anonymous, April 14, 2001


I had a peep. You should too.

-- Anonymous, April 15, 2001

I went to your link and took a peep.

-- Anonymous, April 15, 2001

Peep? Peep!

-- Anonymous, April 15, 2001

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