Foreskins for Sale : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

I wrote to the American Cancer Society May 1, 1987, and asked if it was true that one of the sources of the interferon used in cancer research in this country was the foreskins of circumcised human babies. A few days later, John Stevens at the American Cancer Society called and told me that the answer to my question was yes.

How much does one infant foreskin sell for? (I received an email January 1997 from someone who prefers to remain anonymous who said that the going rate for infant foreskins at a large hospital in the greater San Diego area was $35 each -- and that "ethical" doctors deducted that amount from their circumcision fees.)

How many foreskins have been sold?

Who sells them? Doctors? Midwives? Mohels? Hospitals?

Who buys them?

Are there any "middle men," and if so, who are they?

Are the foreskins sold "per foreskin" or by weight? (Do circumcisers have a financial incentive to cut off as much skin as possible?)

Is a foreskin still marketable if it has been covered with or injected with anesthetic? (Do circumcisers have a financial incentive not to use an anesthetic?)

Are some types of foreskin more in demand than others? (White, Black, Latino, Asian?)

Are parents told that their baby's foreskin will be sold? Are they asked if their baby's foreskin may be sold?

Who is the legal owner of a baby's foreskin after it's been cut off? (Who is the legal owner of a baby's foreskin before it's cut off?)

Is it ethical to cut off a baby's foreskin, charge his parents for the operation, sell his foreskin without telling his parents, and keep the money? Is it legal?

Are the foreskins of children and adults being sold too?

Are other parts of people's bodies being cut off -- or out -- and sold without their knowledge or consent?

If someone cuts part of another person's body off -- or out -- and sells it without obtaining signed legal consent from the person cut, and the person who buys it makes money from it, who does that money rightfully belong to?

Does Diane Sawyer know about this?

-- --- (medic@lethics?.com), April 14, 2001


I had one doctor tell me that interferon doesn't cause any problem, and one told me that it causes auto immune problems, Now, it makes sense that it would cause auto immune problems, sort of like have a transplant. although cellular instead of organic.

-- KoFE (your@town.USA), April 14, 2001.

Fat from liposuction. A team of researchers from UCLA and the University of Pittsburgh has isolated stem cells - primitive cells with the potential to become virtually any type of tissue - from fat collected by liposuction and converted them into bone, cartilage and muscle. I understand that fat cells hold estrogen also which helps women with a surplus go through menopause easier. There is more proof every day that our societies view of the perfect woman (boney) is very unhealthy.

-- Cherri (, April 14, 2001.


OTOH being a fatso raises your risk for both endometrial and breast cancer.

-- Better (To@lose.weight), April 15, 2001.

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