WEATHER ALERT approx 3:45 central time : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

Kansas Warnings

Tornado watches and severe thunderstorm watch/warning boxes!

-- Anonymous, April 14, 2001


Bump for the recent answer people!

-- Anonymous, April 14, 2001

Missouri Warnings just in case, cause one of the watch boxes just touches into the western part of the state!

-- Anonymous, April 14, 2001

Fixing my first links... sorry all...

Oklahoma Link

Kansas Link

-- Anonymous, April 14, 2001

We may get some of that tomorrow, looks like. Thanks for the head's up. Or head's down, as the case may be.

-- Anonymous, April 14, 2001

Here is a graphical map of the warnings in Mo and you can click on to others as well.

Warnings Map

-- Anonymous, April 14, 2001

Hey, great link--thanks, Beckie. For example, here's the warnings map for MO.

-- Anonymous, April 14, 2001

Texas warnings

Arkansas warnings

Louisiana warnings

-- Anonymous, April 14, 2001

Just before 8 PM Central time, I saw this post and turned on the looked at the links provided here. Our county is under a tornado watch. It looks like further up in Northern Kansas and Missouri are in for a rough time. One place in Kansas, reported large hail.

Thanks for the heads up and links.

-- Anonymous, April 14, 2001

Just heard...a tornado in North Lees Summit.

-- Anonymous, April 14, 2001

Um, Git, that map picture looks like Mississippi, not Missouri.

-- Anonymous, April 15, 2001

Okay, so I miss-identified it. Wrong abbreviation, lol!

-- Anonymous, April 15, 2001

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