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Newbie here.. Does one have to know hmtl to post effectively on this board? My posts aren't coming out as i intended.. Thought i could just cut and paste, but apparently not.. Do i have to somehow insert paragraph breaks all over the place??


html dummy brent

-- Anonymous, April 13, 2001


Most cut and pastes will break properly at paragraphs. Not all--as you've found. Someone will notice it eventually and go in and chop it up, especially if you put a HELP notice! If the piece you cut and paste has a "printer-friendly format," clock on that link and it usually works out all right.

For further info on the bits of html you might need, see the ADMIN archive, which you can find by scrolling down the first page, all the way past the thread titles.

-- Anonymous, April 13, 2001

Thanks OG. I must be batting 1000 because i think all my cut and pastes have come out corrupted.. But there were a bunch from the same source.. I've managed to avoid learning hmtl so far, and was hoping to continue in my blissful ignorance..
Thanks for your help, All The Best, brent

-- Anonymous, April 14, 2001

brent, when you paste the article, go thru and put a space between each paragraph. then it will be formatted okay.

Like this. Now you don't have to go around doing the [p] thing with the arrows.

Interesting stories, btw. That Chinese bozo is sneaky!

-- Anonymous, April 14, 2001

I'm very well known for my senior moments, Brent. Hell, they're not moments, they're full-blown episodes. I forgot my phone number again yesterday--now that's embarrasing--only had it nine years. But I can remember now how to do a quote and how to stick a pic in somewhere. Luckily, I can get into the innards and correct any mistakes--and sometimes others, like Barefoot, are kind enough to do that for me. So I look a lot better than I am. Anyway the point of this long boring story is that if I can learn those two things, I bet you can too. Oh, I can do italics and bolds too.

-- Anonymous, April 14, 2001

"Oh, I can do italics and bolds too," she italisized boldly.

-- Anonymous, April 14, 2001

Thanks for the encouragement Folks.. Guess i'll have to do some reading.. Wish there were a preview option here so i could test out my mistakes, instead of posting them..
Maybe i should just display the "source" of the page or frame from which i want to post, and copy and paste that..(LOL.. is that considered cheating??)

-- Anonymous, April 14, 2001

brent, that is acceptable, and done often, actually.

-- Anonymous, April 14, 2001

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