Bush, Cheney Earnings Documented

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Bush, Cheney Earnings Documented

By Scott Lindlaw

Associated Press Writer

Friday, April 13, 2001; 4:36 p.m. EDT

CRAWFORD, Texas –– President Bush reported earning $894,800 last year, while Vice President Dick Cheney took in $36 million, according to income-tax documents released Friday.

The Bush family paid $240,342 in federal taxes, the Cheneys $14.3 million.

Both families released tax information in Crawford, Texas, where the president is spending the weekend.

Bush released a complete federal Form 1040, without attachments. Cheney released only a summary prepared by the White House.

The Bushes reported donating $143,300 to charity, $75,000 of it out of royalties from his biography published during the presidential campaign last year, "A Charge to Keep."

The donations from the book sales went to three organizations: Boy Scouts of America, Boys and Girls Clubs of America and Girls Inc.

The Cheneys donated stock options worth $7.8 million to three beneficiaries: Capital Partners for Education, George Washington University Medical Faculty Associates and the University of Wyoming.

They also donated $41,646 to other, unspecified charities.

The bulk of Bush's income came from $549,236 in interest from investments, held in state and federal blind trusts. He also reported $138,358 in capital gains.

He reported earning $70,554 in salary. Bush was governor of Texas until resigning in December.

Bush took $150,198 in deductions, but did not publicly disclose what they were.

The Bushes were entitled to a federal income tax refund of $244,534.

They elected to apply about half – $127,220 – to their 2001 tax bill. They were repaid the difference of $117,314.

Bush had prepaid $475,000 as estimated tax.

-- (t@x.time), April 13, 2001

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