Toddlers will be frisked at egg race : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread,,3-114235,00.html

FRIDAY APRIL 13 2001 Toddlers will be frisked at egg race FROM LAURA PEEK IN WASHINGTON CHILDREN attending the annual White House Easter Egg Roll — a custom that dates from the 1870s — will be frisked for stun guns by the Secret Service. Children aged from three to six queue for hours to join the annual Easter celebration, the highlight of which is rolling hundreds of brightly painted hard-boiled eggs down the sloping White House lawn. The Bush Administration has put a dampener on this year’s egg roll, however, with a detailed security warning on the back of admission tickets.

On the front, cartoon rabbits gambol across the White House lawn. But on the back children are warned not to bring, among other things: “guns / ammunition, knives with blades over 3in, mace or electric stun guns”.

Even balloons are banned, presumably because a balloon popping could be mistaken for gunfire.

The heightened security at Monday’s event has been prompted by a spate of school shootings, leading authorities to regard even the youngest child as a potential threat.

More than 30,000 people die from firearms-related deaths each year in America, and gun control advocates point out that the rate of gun deaths among children aged 14 and younger is nearly 12 times more than in 25 other industrialised countries combined.

-- (spre@d.em kids), April 13, 2001


This is what you get when you invite the children of repugs. (they are the only ones that carry guns) The repug parents tell their children that liberals should be shot so you find them carrying guns to schools, churches and other social events. Pretty scary stuff. You repugs should be ashamed. Maybe you repugs could get control of your people in Cincinnatti so they quit shooting innocent liberal black folks too.

-- Who has (, April 13, 2001.


April 13, 2001

Wash D.C.

The Liberal watch dog group ‘Klinton’s Kids’ has petitioned the White House to assign their Chief Field Officer, Paul Ruebens, as overseer of the Easter Egg Frisking Committee. No word as yet from the Secret Service.

-- Pee (wee's@wee.wee), April 13, 2001.

This is silly. The reports of little kids I've seen shooting other little kids have been because the parents left a loaded gun in a place low enough for a young child to reach, and the shooting was done in the home. Don't ask ME what the parents were doing while the child was in their room checking out the gun. Do 3-6 year olds carry knives? I must be getting out of touch because mine steered clear of anything but butter knives until soap-carving became popular with the scouts.

Reminds me, however, of a place we entered in London. It was the only place open the night we arrived, so we went in to look around. GREAT woodwork! We were escorted to a bench and asked to sit and wait. THEN, we were allowed to follow some security officers to a place where ALL our bags were confiscated and we were frisked from head to toe. THAT was a weird experience for us all. Once the frisk was complete, we were escorted to a gallery above a huge room where politicians were debating. It was only then that we learned we had entered the "House of Commons."

-- Anita (, April 13, 2001.

-- (Easter@the.White House), April 13, 2001.

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