How right was Joel? : LUSENET : Freedom! self reliance : One Thread

I can't read long posts on the computer due to either bi-focals and dyslexia(it all runs together and off the computer and ...) or both. Anyway I don't get a lot of stuff. So can anyone tell me how much of what Joel predicted about the forum, if any, actually happened? Has anyone had contact with him and if yes, does he have anything to say?

-- Cindy (SE In) (, April 13, 2001


Unfortunately I would say that Joel was pretty dead on about what happened over there. He said they'd be deleting what they didn't like. And he saw it as a threat to our freedom....he was right. I thought he was overreacting and I'm sad that I was wrong and he was right. I tried to email him a long time ago and it's undeliverable. I might have his snail mail around here somewhere, but I'm not sure.

-- Doreen (, April 13, 2001.

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