Is EZ-Board down? (or is it just me) : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread |
I have been trying to EZ board for several hours and I am not getting any response. Is anyone else having this problem?Thanks
-- Anonymous, April 12, 2001
Must have been me;) 'cause as soon as I posted here, it started working again. I expect EZ to go to dot com heaven here pretty soon It would not supprise me if they just pull the plug some day.
-- Anonymous, April 12, 2001
Me, either. . .
-- Anonymous, April 12, 2001
That's been happening more and more Helium. Ezboard has laid off 30 of its 45 employees, so they're pedalling pretty hard these days. Judging from whatr I've read on the "Comment on CSC" forum (not the one they give you the link for), people are really upset by the "up yours, we're doing you a GREAT favor and you must be stupid not to see it" attitude they've taken. And if you read the "Bug" forum, well, it's not encouraging!
-- Anonymous, April 12, 2001
And if you read the "Bug" forum, well, it's not encouraging!Links, please. Thanks!
-- Anonymous, April 12, 2001
Sorry, Meemur, I usually go to the bottom of the front page of the old Currents forum, where there's a link.The one with the most caustic comments is usually--ta-da! The Comments forum. Most Hated Bugs is at this link too. Older comment forums have been archived; you can find the archives by going to the top of the link page and clicking on the link to ezboard forums up there. (There's another Bugs forum there too.) I think ezboard believes that eventually the users making adverse comments will leave and nobody will see their remarks in the archives. I notice they've opened up a bunch more forums--so as to spread out the remarks?
-- Anonymous, April 12, 2001
Thanks! I'll wander over that way.
-- Anonymous, April 12, 2001