pc tips wireless

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More On Wireless Web

A guy from Sprint wrote in to point out we hadn't mentioned Sprint PCS Wireless Web access, which is gaining popularity among apartment dwellers. We noted that wireless access isn't an economically or aesthetically viable alternative to regular dial-up access, at least not yet. Sprint's wireless access is charged on a per-minute basis, which may be fine for checking your email or stock quotes but is much too expensive for wasting time online, the new national pastime. In addition, connection speeds are a laughable 14.4k, though something called "BlueKite" caching software is supposed to give the "feel" of 56K -- maybe you have to schedule your browsing for off-hours or something. I should point out we haven't tried Sprint PCS Wireless Web service, but 14.4K is 14.4K -- Web pages will take some time to load, fancy caching or not. Wireless is the wave of the future, but it's got a ways to go.

Check out Sprint PCS Wireless Web service for yourself! http://www.sprintpcs.com/

- Dennis Ryan

-- Anonymous, April 11, 2001

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