WinOnCD 3.8 -- where's the menus? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I've gotten a copy of Roxio WinOnCD 3.8 PE English. The full version number is 3.80.650 Power Edition.

There doesn't seem to be a VCD menu option anywhere... and believe me, I've checked. I've heard people mention the need to select a "Video CD 2.0 extended editor" project, but that option doesn't seem to be available to me.

Did Roxio remove this support when they acquired CeQuadrat?

Any help in getting me creating video CD menus using WinOnCD or Videopack (I have Videopack 4, but it doesn't recognize my Plextor 1610) would be greatly appreciated.

-- Red (, April 11, 2001


I am not speak English.. I am sepeak Turkish.. program olarak Nero-Burning kullanıyorum çok zor geliyor daha pratik oldugu söylendi ve bu tür cd programlarının türkçesi varmı?

-- serkan eskit (, April 18, 2001.

Hey mate. I'm under the impression that the English version/non PE version doesn't include VCD features.

-- Kevo (, May 22, 2001.

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