TORNADOES - 0n the ground in Iowa, one warning is for Des Moines--hope Dean is : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread |
CNN just reported, Natl Weather Service says these tornadoes can take out a residential structure.
-- Anonymous, April 11, 2001
And Beckie, too, I hope, if I'm remembering correctly.
-- Anonymous, April 11, 2001
I'll keep them in my thoughts. I know what they are going through.We again last night had high winds, and even a couple of small twisters in the state.
Hope all are safe and well protected!
-- Anonymous, April 11, 2001
You can get the current warnings here for Iowa. Looks like they are getting pounded.
-- Anonymous, April 11, 2001
We are fine. The tornado started SW of us and passed only 1.5 miles west of us. The last of the storms seem to be over. Sun is shining, but windy as all get out. Don't know about damage yet.The sirens in the little town we live near didn't go off until 10 min AFTER the tornado had passed - real big help.
-- Anonymous, April 11, 2001
1.5 miles! Yikes! Sounds like ground zero to me! Glad you're safe, and here's hoping there wasn't too much wind damage.
-- Anonymous, April 11, 2001
All I heard was "Duh Moines" where Dean lives--don't know your nearest town, Beckie! Glad I didn't, I wasn't worried about you!
-- Anonymous, April 11, 2001
I am so glad Beckie is safe, I wish this board had times, as I just got on here, and trying to figure out what to grab and read first....... the Storms are heading this way, according to the news.
-- Anonymous, April 11, 2001
Sar,Sorry, I don't know what state you're in. If you tell me, I'll give you a link for all the latest warnings issued.
-- Anonymous, April 11, 2001
Wisconsin warnings.Illinois warnings.
Michigan warnings.
Indiana warnings.
Ohio warnings, if they get that far.
Buckle up and hold the fort down y'all.
-- Anonymous, April 11, 2001
Sheeps, could we make you our Severe Weather Alert person? If you're not busy when severe weather comes up, maybe you can repost pertinent links--and perhaps even put a time in the header as suggested. I know you get busy at work so it's not as if we'd come to expect you to do it every time, just when it's not going to be a problem. Obviously, it would be a very much appreciated and useful service.
-- Anonymous, April 11, 2001
I'll try. Some days I get busy, other days I twiddle my thumbs.I've been in em, around em, and just want to make sure that people know they're coming.
Sheeple, who hates for her wool to get all wet.
-- Anonymous, April 11, 2001
Sheep, a favor please...when tornadoes or bad storms are around Missouri also, please put some info for here too. Thanks.
-- Anonymous, April 12, 2001
Maggie,I don't monitor the weather sites all the time, but I do look at them some. As soon as I see any warning boxes posted, I'll put it up with a link for more information and the time I posted.
-- Anonymous, April 12, 2001
Sheeple thanks, that would be really great! I was thinking along the lines of tornado warnings. It sounded like the last one came through Missouri and then up where Beckie lives. The siren never went off here, even though I heard on the TV (which is rarely on in this room) a tornado was headed toward our town yesterday.
-- Anonymous, April 12, 2001
Weather Bug can be loaded onto your computer, and then runs while you are online, and you can select the area you want to monitor. If there are alerts it makes a sound like birds chirping to alert you.You can also select other areas to monitor, if you like.
On another thread I posted an alert to severe weather that was moving into our area, just after I got home from work. That was when I figured out what the bird chirping noise was. LOL
When you are not looking at weather bug, it remains in your systray in the corner of your task bar, showing the current temperature of the area you selected.
I thought this might help y'all.
-- Anonymous, April 12, 2001
I started to download program, then just before it was completed a window came up (another page) that said in addition to the weather bug they would also follow where I went and automatically fill in my passwords and give me great offers according to where I went on the web. At that point, I cancelled the operation to install the program. It rememinded me of double click that followed your movements on the web.Thank you Barefoot for the suggestion but, I'll feel better without it in my system.
-- Anonymous, April 12, 2001
Maggie, that is another program called gator. I uninstalled that one cuz it kept wanting to connect to the net all the time.Besides, IE keeps the passwords and stuff all by itself if you let it.
-- Anonymous, April 12, 2001