A note for some friends, JOC, Joe,Digitly,Laighe,Venusgreenspun.com : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread |
Hello i want to say a few things to a few special friends i know from here: JOSEEROSE: Nice seeing u in Notebook 2 days ago, hope i see you again, & do u still have my icq #? I lost my old list, so send me a msg sometime please, thanxxxx Miss U, Hugssssssss & KISSSSSSSes for My Sunshine. I hope to see u real soon. ORPHEOUS48: Man i don't know what ur new nick is, or where u r these days. I miss you Joe & i would like 2 c u again. can u make that happen? Thanxxxxxxx DIGITLYSPUN: Hey Lesbo! Ur lover misses U & i can't reach u through icq, so when ur online, u gotta look me up & come give me a sexyyyyyyyyy time:) LAIGHE: It was good 2 c ya girl. I guess u were the psirit of the faded exile. Get ur server back (seems funny coming from me, who has the lousiest server in VP!). Well I hope 2 c u real soon, Hugsssssss VENUS: Bunny!!!!!!!!!!!! I Miss You so Much, & i Love u That MUCH. I am gonna write to you, but i hope ur fine. Ur my inspiration:) HUGSSSSSSSS & LOTS OF LOVE 1 more thing 2 all of U: Have a great Life:)
-- Jas B (goal__@excite.com), April 11, 2001
Hey goal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hunny bunny girl!Miss you too, in fact I kinda miss everyone that I don't see these days, specially You and Flingy, Laighe and of course Shelby!!! *sigh* wish I had more time to be online. Things here are fabulous and I'm so glad you still remember me! MISS YOU! How's everything with you over there? I always check the board so if you need me for anything just drop me an email :)
Love you!!!
Stace (Vennie...etc etc etc)
-- Spoiltprincess (AKA Venus) (spoiltprincess@hotmail.com), April 11, 2001.
Duh..here's an email address that will actually reach me! thespoiltprincess@hotmail.comThanks,
-- Spoiltprincess/Venus (thespoiltprincess@hotmail.com), April 11, 2001.
Thanks Goal! You are a sweetie pie. Of course we remember you Venus. Dang, just come back and play sometime...
-- Laighe of the Limberlost (laighe@excite.com), April 16, 2001.