Block Block romset - interesting : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread |
I made an interesting discovery tonight when I tried to play block in m37b14, aka Block Block (World 911106). When I saw that I could not roll the paddle, I went back to Mame36 and tried it there, only to find that the title screen (before that warning about where it's legal to play the game) said "BLOCK BLOCK 910910 ETC", which means that block is now blocka. I then proceeded to separate the roms into unmerged zips. The result: block does not load in Mame36, and block doesn't have a functional paddle in m37b14.I'd say let's move the block inps on MARP to blocka, although it hasn't been "officially" changed...
-- Donut (, April 11, 2001