Question : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

when posting a link, what do I do to make it a link????? I am used to ez B doing it for me!

-- Anonymous, April 11, 2001


first, I am using brackets instead of the >'s. okay?

[a href=""]link[/a]

the word link will show up as link in blue, underlined.

-- Anonymous, April 11, 2001

And all you really need to do is go thru the admin area, and look at someone's post that has a link in it, and copy it.

Current News

-- Anonymous, April 11, 2001

SAR, also check out the old Currents Welcome page. Fiat was giving html lessons in there!

-- Anonymous, April 11, 2001

SAR, if you go to your tool bar and press "View" and then "Source", you can see what the html codes for any thread look like. (Caution, these are the instructions for Internet Explorer. May be different in other browsers.)

-- Anonymous, April 11, 2001


feel free to email me if you'd like me to help ya learn a few simple things (i'm pretty good at the simple stuff) LOL

: )

-- Anonymous, April 12, 2001

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