Leica Dealer Recommendation in NYC

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

I want to pass along the 'good word' about Rich Pinto of Photo Village. He's a Leica dealer in NYC I did some recent business with. He's been previously recommended by others on this site and I had an excellant experience with him. He's very knowledgable, responsive and manages to pass along good deals whenever he can. I was able to buy a lens under the recently expired rebate program from him, that he apparently had on back order with Leica. I'd definitely give him business again as the opportunity arises.

-- KL Prager (www.pragerproperties@worldnet.att.net), April 10, 2001


I agree. Rich at Photo Village emails back quickly and has great prices and places a high value on service to customer.

-- Jim Long (jimlong@inwave.com), April 11, 2001.

Agreed. I've bought both an M6 body and a 90 APO from Rich, and I also sold him an M3. He was good to deal with.

The only reason I don't any more is that I'm giving all my business to my local dealer instead of going mail-order across a border - this is better in the long run from both the goodwill and warrantee points of view. If you're an American who has no local Leica dealer, I'd recommend Rich with no hesitation.

-- Paul Chefurka (paul_chefurka@pmc-sierra.com), April 11, 2001.

I also have used Rich Pinto and have been happy with both his prices and service.

-- David Enzel (dhenzel@worldnet.att.net), April 21, 2001.

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