GAS PRICING : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

Twin Cities. Monday: $139. Tuesday: $163.

That's a big increase at the low-price pump, which is the same as the higher pumps.

Is this a sign of Summer shortages? I had 150 gallons stored for Y2K. Will I need to save up again?

-- John Littmann (LITTMANNJOHNTL@AOL.COM), April 10, 2001


$163 a gallon for gas? Man, I paid $1.29 for unleaded just last week.

What the hell is wrong in your neck of the woods?

-- Floating Point Error (, April 10, 2001.

April 10, 2001

Retail Gasoline Prices Rise


WASHINGTON, April 9 - Retail gasoline prices jumped 5.8 cents in the last week, the biggest gain in 10 months, reaching a national average of $1.50 a gallon, according to a Department of Energy survey. The weekly gain was the biggest since mid-June and pushed prices above year-ago levels for the first time in six weeks. Prices were 2.5 cents higher than in the week a year ago, the survey of about 800 filling stations showed.

Prices were the highest on the West Coast, where a gallon of regular rose 2.3 cents, to $1.66 a gallon, and in the Midwest, where gasoline rose 7.2 cents, to $1.52. Regular gasoline was the cheapest in the region from Alabama to New Mexico, where prices rose 5.9 cents, to $1.413 a gallon.

Retail diesel fuel rose 0.6 cent, to $1.397 a gallon, the department said. Diesel prices are 2.2 cents lower than a year ago.

-- (, April 11, 2001.

It was $1.46 a gallon here in Milwaukee area last week. Today it shot up to $1.75 a gallon for self service regular.

-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, April 11, 2001.

In the DC area, I've been paying over $1.50 for months.

-- Buddy (, April 11, 2001.

$1.52 for cheap unleaded, or on wknd's its $1.60.

Shit, soon it will be cheaper to fly instead of driving IF you can get the cheapy rates on airfare.

I'm sick and tired of the BS either its natural gas we pay up the ass, and then when summer rolls round, its electric and gasoline.


-- sumer (shh@aol.con), April 11, 2001.

$1.22 in Atlanta.

-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, April 11, 2001.

It's C$0.76 per litre here in Toronto (jumped from C$0.68 on Monday). That works out to about US$1.90 per gallon. But don't let that put y'all from visiting us here. Everything else - from hotels to restaurants to show tickets etc - is dirt cheap when you're paying with Uncle Sam's money.

BTW - I was in Fort Myers, FL on Thurs and Fri last week and it was $1.41 there. Hey Unc, if you're reading this, I ended up booking accommodation on Captiva for the Christmas week.

-- Johnny Canuck (, April 11, 2001.

Damn Gas here in Yuba City, CA has jumped to $1.79 for cheepo cheepo If you can call that cheepo! Not to date my self. But I used to buy GAS in Rancho Cordova when I was YOUNG for .139 cents YEP LESS THAN .14 CENTS A GALLON. $2.00 WOULD FILL UP MY CHEVROLET Impala Wagon!!!!!!!! I COULD AFFORD TO GET SOME ON THE GROUND!! Geno-Ca

-- Geno-Ca (, April 11, 2001.

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