Jerky picture towards the end of my : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
If someone could help me with this I would be very grateful, I can convert my DVD movie into VCD using Flask 0.593, and I am happy with the resulting picture and sound quality, but about half way through the second disk the picture becomes jerky and out of time to the sound, this gets progressively worse to the end of the movie, can anyone please tell me why this is????Here's thanking you in advance
-- Lee Oliver (, April 10, 2001
I had something similiar happen! I believe some hardware gone to suspend mode. You can turn it off by going into the Control panel.
-- videohobby (, April 10, 2001.
You can also try other tricks like DVDSqueezer and DVD2AVI, both from
-- Mehmet Tekdemir (, April 11, 2001.