SL things in the house! : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

Things In The House

Varmints and uninvited crawly things get into houses all the time. You seldom see them come through the front door, so how do they get in? Nooks and crannies are the front (and back) doors for bugs and critters. Keeping everything but humans out can be tough, but a well thought-out plan will go a long way when trying to keep "things" out. First, think like a bug. Now think like a mouse. O.K. now get up and start a top-to-bottom inspection of the house. Look closely around the outside of the house for cracks and openings that would admit a bug. Check around windows and doors, where pipes and vents exit, and where different materials come together. Caulk and seal as necessary. From the inside, look in the attic and basement for light coming in from the outside where it shouldn't. Again caulk as needed. Don't block off any vents, but be sure they have their bug screening in place.

- Stephen Corwin

-- Anonymous, April 10, 2001

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