: LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
It is difficult to describe zero-people, because their enormous populations are not all of one piece, fabric, or pattern. It can collectively be said that they are the bottom of the line, socially subjected to trenchant formats of depowerment, and generally have not the least idea of what is going on.It can also be said that they feel powerless, and in some sense at least, hate power, or care very little for it.
But they are also the largest source of the cheapest labor productivity and tax collecting income for the power-makers and their objectives.
Zero-people as individuals are usually considered expendable. They are mere statistics. However, zero-people collectively have enormous power because their populations number in the high thousands and millions. If they get collectively upset, as was the case during the French revolution, they can pull down an entire societal power structure.
In order to avoid, or at least limit, such activity, informed power-makers and their primary executors are obliged to offer up palliatives to the masses, or at least illusions of them.
-- 8ball (, April 10, 2001
"It can also be said that they feel powerless, and in some sense at least, hate power, or care very little for it."Calling such people "zero-people" merely adopts the outlook of the power elite, which is to say, people who value power before all else. That is a highly colored, even a warped, point of view.
If you take all their power away from most "elite" people they become thoroughly demoralized. They cling to power desperately, as a drowning person clings to a bit of flotsam. And they will kick, claw and even kill to keep anyone else from sharing their bit of power, fearing that the other person will dispossess them and they shall drown. For all their power and ruthlessness, such people are often shockingly empty and pathetic creatures. It would help immensely if they would just learn how to swim.
-- Little Nipper (, April 10, 2001.
Let me guess.You wrote the "Jack Handy" items for Sat. Night Live.
-- Buddy (, April 10, 2001.
I thought the repugs were the zero-people! They are in my neighborhood....trashy white trailer living bozos! The Bush repugs are the worst (and the smell will set you straight!)
-- Look at the (, April 10, 2001.
ha ha ha, make up your mind, are the "repugs" the filthy rich, as Cherri would state, or are they the "trailer trash" heavily dependent on government handouts, social safety nets, welfare, education grants and such??
-- libs are idiots (, April 10, 2001.