which kind of cdr(not cdrw) would play on my philips dvd 860 ?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

someone on the web said PRINCO CDR,but it cannot play on my dvd any suggestion?

-- liwei (liw@sy163.net), April 10, 2001


First, Philips DVD players are generally not fussy with CD-R; they will play these. Maybe you authored your VCD (if you made a VCD) wrongly. Or better still, since you used Princo CD-Rs, you deserve it if they don't play for buying such cheap, inferior stuff. Get Kodak Ultima instead.

-- Mehmet Tekdemir (turk690@yahoo.com), April 11, 2001.

i think i burned cd-r in the right way,cause i burned some music cds (audio cd) that can play in the VCD player,but cannot play in my Philips DVD 860 player.i have a VCD burned in Kodak Ultima CD-R which can play in VCD player but cannot in my DVD player.

-- liwei (liw@sy163.net), April 11, 2001.

This player will not play cdr's as the lazer is the wrong color. cdrw work ok.

-- Rob James (hd17a@yahoo.co.nz), May 25, 2004.

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