Liquid : LUSENET : Aeon Flux : One Thread |
For a few years now i've been trying to find back episodes of Liquid Television, all 3 seasons. I'm aware of various "Best Of..." videos for sale on eBay and the like but what i'm looking for is someone who has taped those episodes off of MTV in good quality when it was originally airing. If anyone has those episodes on tape they'd like to trade or sell i'd love to be able to work something out. Feel free to email me at if you can help me out.
-- Nick K. (, April 10, 2001
Hi. HMV the music store has a nice silver box set. I bought the videos twice so I could have it.
-- Khal Shariff (, April 11, 2001.
HMV is always expensive. Look around find it somewhere else, if you can.
-- Forumer (, April 11, 2001.
looking around to find it ANYWHERE is what i'm doing. they don't even have it at HMV, i checked. all they have are Aeon Flux videos which aren't very hard to come by. so again, if you know of ANOTHER place that would be very helpful.
-- Nick K. (, April 11, 2001.
If you're looking for liquid television episodes recorded from television the best place to look would probably be E-bay.
-- Richard N. (, April 28, 2001.
i'm also searching for the same as above.....ANYWHERE that may have good quality tapes or dvd of everything..for years i've been looking around too! unfortunately i don't have access to internet very often but any info will help me out (as well as nick).... if nick ever finds it..please let me know where i can buy it too!) it would be GREATLY appreciated...than-q ary:
-- ary gierut (, March 05, 2002.
all the best of videos dont have the "DogBoy" segments....does anyone have the whole collection??????????
-- (, August 18, 2002.
I'm looking for a copy of the short "The Running Man", about a futuristic race car driver, for a while now. I'm not sure what season of Liquid Television it ran in, but if anyone has any info, I'd appreciate it.
-- jeff (, September 05, 2002.
Look for it in the film "Megatokyo". LTV only showed part of "The Running Man", as I recall.
-- Inu (, September 05, 2002.
Correction: "Neo-Tokyo"...
-- Inu (, September 05, 2002.
I am looking for a link or an available video for the " commercial" for Voice BE Gone Spray.Any info would be appreciated.
-- Mark (, February 22, 2003.
I am looking for Slow bob in the lower dimension !!! help
-- tommyt (, May 22, 2003.
I found only one episode on kazaa. Not very good quality. I'm willing to trade with anyone who has episodes that they might have found. I always caught this short at the end, but does anyone knwo the title of the one where at the end theres a big fire and then the last line is "so they decided to close the circus." Always wanted to see it again but never got the chance.
-- ryan (, July 10, 2003.