Bonneville warns "reduce power consumption or else" : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

Tuesday April 10 12:56 AM EDT

BPA Warns 'Reduce Power Consumption Or Else'

Your electric bill may be heading sky-high, with the Bonneville Power Administration announcing a possible 250 percent rate increase.

KOIN 6 News reports that BPA's customers are facing a significant rate hike, which could mean the end of some businesses and the elimination of hundreds of jobs in the Northwest.

BPA is asking customers to drastically reduce their power consumption or face the consequences.

In this drought year, Northwest dams alone cannot generate enough electricity to satisfy demand. To supply the area, BPA must pay high wholesale prices to purchase power on the open market.

Acting Administrator Steve Wright says that passing along to BPA customers the outrageously high rates is not acceptable because the Northwest economy can't handle it.

On Monday, Wright asked everyone to "stop playing chicken and step up to the plate" and take some "draconian measures" to reduce consumption.

Wright also asked the aluminum industry to virtually shut itself down for two years and asked public utilities in the region to voluntarily cut back their power purchases from Bonneville by 5-10 percent. He asked private utilities to do the same.

-- (, April 10, 2001


BPA's service area includes Oregon, Washington, Idaho, western Montana and small portions of Wyoming, Nevada, Utah, California and eastern Montana.

-- (, April 10, 2001.

Yep, everybody's jumping on the bandwagon, using the California scam as an example of why they can screw their customers too. With Dumbya in office, they know the gubmint ain't gonna do a damn thing about it.

-- Hail Dumbya! (power to @ the. corporations!), April 10, 2001.

>>With Dumbya in office, they know the gubmint ain't gonna do a damn thing about it.

But, but... the California problems started two years ago, with Mssr C in office, what damn thing did they do about? And the California problem was CAUSED by the dem California goverment- what damn thing did they do about it?

-- SayWhat (SoSad@Too.Bad), April 10, 2001.

So now the libs want to have the federal government do what Nixon tried in the 70's - price controls. Oooops, forgot, that led to long lines at the gas pumps!!!

Price controls, another brilliant idea brought to you from the wacko left.

-- libs are idiots (, April 10, 2001.

"Price controls, another brilliant idea brought to you from the wacko left."

Then that must mean that Richard Nixon, the famous red-baiter, slayer of Whittaker Chambers, kitchen debater with Nikita Kruschev, bomber of Hanoi, miner of Haiphong harbor, invader of Cambodia, was a... a... [ ...slowly comprehension dawns... ] a whacko leftist!


-- Little Nipper (, April 10, 2001.

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