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I've bolded the significant bits.It's now been nearly four weeks since the launch of ezboard version 6.0 and Community-Supported Communities. We wanted to update you on our progress, and let you know what to expect from us as a result.
The good news is that in the first 26 days of CSC, we have signed up a total of 1,608 Community Supporters; our average is 62 a day. At this rate we will have 18,600 Community Supporters by year-end. The bad news is we are shooting for at least 100,000 Community Supporters - 333 a day - by year-end to maintain (not grow) our operation.
[OG note--so their sign-ups are only a bit over 20% of their goal. That is Not A Good Thing.]
What does 100,000 Community Supporters really mean?
·There are over 3 million registered users of ezboard -- our goal represents less than 3% of total users
[OG note--rubbish. There may be over 3 million registered handles and disused handles, which they conveniently ignore when talking to advertisers. I'd guess there are far less than a million active users]
·We are currently registering over 15,000 new users a day, more lately with other community closures - our goal represents only 2% of new users. ·If this growth continues, by year end 100,000 Community Supporters will represent 1% of total users.
We are going to do four things immediately to help us reach this goal. ·First, we are introducing a new CSC Gold Community option. CSC Gold Communities will receive board-wide no ad service for all users, top search engine placement, and top priority for the Community Showcase. Pricing is based on your actual page views -- the vast majority of our communities can get this service for $30 for 6 months - an average of $5 a month. [OG note--it would probably cost us the next step up, which is $60/6 months or $120/year.] You can get more details about this new program on the Community tab in your Control Center.
·Second, we are upgrading the CSC Admin program to CSC Community. Benefits include limited advertising (top and bottom banners only and no popups), top search engine placement, and priority for the Community Showcase. And all for the same price of $15 for 6 months.
·Third, we're adding a credit card option for payment of all programs, in addition to PayPal and check/money order.
·Finally, we are going to introduce new forms of advertising and increase the amount on our free service, including popups. We know that these are unpopular - but we need to cover the cost of the free version. We also feel we have given you very cheap alternatives.
I'll keep you posted on our progress. As always, I am interested in your feedback. You can post in my forum, What's Coming Up at ezboard, at
*************************** [OG note-as for the following, if you have registered a new name with ezboard since they started asking for money, even though you checked all the "no spam" boxes, you will be receiving spam from their following "e-commerce partner" and others.]
-- Anonymous, April 09, 2001
I paid the 15.00 for admin...took almost a month to be signified as an first, I had NO ads as promised....for about a week, now they want to update ME for another 15.00 and still have ezboard ad on top and bottom...this is a BIG bait and switch..believe me I am trying to teach myself what I need to know to Move in 6 months! I really wanted "who's online...ain't got that...they are saying I can have a "chat" I HAVE a chat...have had for awhile! And not through ez...I am riled by this set up. Grrrrrrrrrr!!!!
-- Anonymous, April 09, 2001
Not only that, SAR, but the link they have produces a Page Not Found error (or did all day and half the night). When I went to the support forums through the old link on Currents, I found 8 of 10 posters definitely unhappy. (Perhaps why Vanchau gave a bum link!)You may not have six months. Just because you paid for it doesn't mean you'll get it.
CountryLady is in sad shape--lost all of her archives through a hacker and ezboard is saying, more or less, they won't restore the archives as the problem was due to someone she let in and it costs them $250 for a restore. In other words, pay us $250 and we'll give it a go. She paid up for the CSC too. I don't think I'll invite Vanchau to one of my cozy little candlelight suppers.
-- Anonymous, April 10, 2001
"I don't think I'll invite Vanchau to one of my cozy little candlelight suppers" unless i have a lot of tupperware to sell.
-- Anonymous, April 10, 2001
"I don't think I'll invite Vanchau to one of my cozy little candlelight suppers" unless they make tupperware large enough to fit him in.Or, hefty......?
-- Anonymous, April 10, 2001