S.L. the background of your house

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

this would be neat!!! House History

Sure you probably know or have an idea about how old your house is, and maybe you know who lived there before you, but do you know what color the paint in the dining room is? Do you know the brand of vinyl siding or the style and color of the shingles? If you bought a new house, get all this information from the builder if it is not offered. Construction drawings would be a bonus. If you live in an older home, ask the previous owners these kinds of questions if possible. This type of information is of great value when remodeling or repairs come around. If you are doing the remodeling, save extra pieces or samples of materials. Save equipment and fixture literature. Start a home archive (a cardboard box) and store it in the attic or basement. As time goes by, add to the archive and create a history for your house.

- Stephen Corwin


-- Anonymous, April 09, 2001

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