ENER - Reflective foil product for roof insulation, other uses

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-- Anonymous, April 08, 2001


When we see that "other uses" phrase, you know that we're all dying to scream out "and you can make little tin-foil hats to protect yourself from the rays!!"

I'm just the only person here who is tacky enough to verbalize it. But I grew up in New Jersey, so being tacky is my cultural heritage... wanna go to the mall with me?

-- Anonymous, April 08, 2001

Nah, Big Lots is for tacky, especially if you like lawn ornamentation and holiday decor. Everything they have is in a color unknown in nature. The plastic patio tumblers and dishes are especially eye-catching.

I think most people know my favorite tinfoil hat is an aluminum foil turkey roaster--because it protects the vulnerable back-of-the-neck area too. Two lengths of duct tape, stuck on each side with each loose end folded to stick to itself, make your bonnet windproof.

-- Anonymous, April 08, 2001

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