GDNG - Rhododendrons "brave little bushes" : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread |
ETSaturday 7 April 2001
In focus: rhododendrons
hese brave little bushes have several roles to play, says Fred Whitsey
AS garden design moves from the casual look to the contrived, from the idealised woodland scene towards formality and the abstract, rhododendron growing has suffered.
Once resplendent displays dominated the Chelsea Flower Show, mirror of contemporary garden taste. No longer. But, in the background, several races of small species and hybrids have been finding their way into garden centres, under the misleading label: "for the rock garden."
These brave little bushes, have several roles to play in the modern garden. They are far removed from those so-called hardy hybrids, such as the blousy 'Pink Pearl', that grow in shrubberies in public parks.
Their dome shape and dense evergreen foliage means they might be taken for pieces of topiary if they never flowered. But they flower abundantly in April and May.
The compact bushes cover themselves with flowers so generously that, for three or four weeks, the foliage is all but obscured. For the rest of the year they look elegant and always freshly groomed.
If you have alkaline soil, grow them in containers. All garden centres sell special compost for such lime-hating plants.
In neutral or acid soil, rhododendrons that grow to a couple of feet high and have a 2ft spread can enhance those mixed borders where there are plants that otherwise look dreary in the dead months, by keeping them alive with foliage and form. When spring comes, they add an early theme of their own to the flowering season, which might not otherwise begin until early summer.
Such dense, evergreen growers can also be put to work in self-maintaining, repeat-flowering schemes. Planted to form a carpet, compact rhododendrons can make a groundwork for such lanky growing bushes as the Villosa and paniculata hydrangeas which flower for so long in late summer and autumn.
For early summer, rhododendron bushes can be interplanted with easy-going lilies, such as Lilium regale, which like shade over their roots and the leafy soil that builds up with regular mulching.
I divide the varieties that can be grown in these ways into three groups. At the top of the range - with most splendid foliage, impressive flower trusses and loveliest bushes themselves - are the yakushimanum hybrids. These originated from a species found on a chilly, rain-soaked island off Japan.
The plant was brought here in 1934, and founded a large dynasty including the famous 'Surrey Heath', which is rose-pink, delicately spotted with orange. Several hybrids were named after the Seven Dwarfs, so, as you lead friends round your garden, you have to admit that the pale yellow one is called 'Grumpy', the deep rose one blotched with red is 'Sneezy' and a mauve one spotted with brown is named 'Sleepy'. Each has a grandeur not reflected in its name.
The second group contains more compact growers, which have smaller leaves and less thrusting flowerheads. But they flower wildly just the same. Most derive from species of Himalayan origins, sometimes with a touch of North American blood. They come under the names of 'Princess Anne' pure yellow, 'Scarlet Wonder', pink 'Bow Bells', dark red 'Bengal', the vivid scarlet 'Elizabeth' and the white 'Dora Amateis', one of the finest of all.
The leaves of the third group are small and, were they not so profuse, the flowers might be described as dainty. 'Blue Diamond' is near-violet, and shades of greenish yellow can be found in 'Chink' and 'Curlew'. 'Ginny Gee' and 'Ptarmigan' are white and 'Snipe' and 'Razorbill' pink.
They are in flower in many garden centres now. Plant them as soon as the soil and weather allow.
Growing tips
When planting rhododendrons, work plenty of peaty material into the soil round the roots and set the plants so that the top of the soil ball lies no deeper than half an inch below the surface.
Choose for preference and, if available, a position lightly shaded during the hottest part of the day. Sometimes the spring can be scorching and this can quickly end the flowers.
Where to buy
Plants by mail order from: G Reuthe, Crown Point Nursery, Ightham, Sevenoaks, Kent TN15 0HB (tel 01732 810 694, fax 01732 862 166). Catalogue £2.
Rhododendrons will be exhibited at the Royal Horticultural Society's first London show taking place at the Lawrence Hall, Greycoat Street, off Victoria Street, London SW1. Open Saturday, April 28 11am-5pm, Sunday April 29 10am-5pm.
-- Anonymous, April 07, 2001