George W. Bush is very "presidential" : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
It's nice to have a president who carries himself in a very dignified manner. He is concerned, compassionate, dedicated, truthful, and all around a very respectable and presidential type man.
-- (, April 06, 2001
"He who is not aware of his ignorance will be only misled by his knowledge." Not only will these people mislead themselves, if they have power they'll mislead a nation.
-- Cherri (, April 07, 2001.
Good point Cherri, VERY good point. Watch it happen with Dumbya.His knowledge of the oil industry and ignorance of all else leads him to believe that the proper way to respond to an energy crisis is to increase CO2 and drill for more oil.
-- (Dumbya@horse's.ass), April 07, 2001.
He is concerned, about his moneycompassionate, to big business
dedicated, to finding ways to benefit his rich buddies
truthful, except for those broken promises regarding the environment and health care
and all around a very respectable and presidential type man. for an oil company.
-- (yeah@good.job), April 07, 2001.
,b>"She who is not aware of his ignorance will be only misled by her knowledge."Sounds like you Cherri
-- I'm (, April 07, 2001.
I am not taking a bath until Bush gets booted out of office. Think about this, Nazis. 50,000,000 Gore supporters not taking showers or using deorderant until your Commander-In_Thief gets booted from office.
-- dirty demmy (dirty@demmy.con), April 07, 2001.