pictures to television : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Is there any component you can buy that you can take a picture with a digital camera, burn it on a cd, and view it on your television. Everyone going to the computer to look at the pictures isn't any good. I know you can hook the camera up directly to the tv but then you would have to keep buying memory cards. I know you can hook your computer up to your t.v but its not even close to it. Do any of the current dvd players out there let me do this? Thanks for any help you can give.

-- Bob Hicks (, April 06, 2001


First make sure your dvd player can play VCD's and once more that it can play burnt media (ie CD-R and CD-RW) normally DVD players have an easier time with CD-RW's. Now there are afew burning programs that support photo cd's or photo album cd's that are burnt in VCD format. Nero supports pictures by just drag & drop & burn, easy but you can't choose which pic you want to look at you have to scroll through all of them but with 100 pics it can be annoying. Now the best program I have used is WinOnCD 3.8 by Roxio, it is awesome for photo albums, it creates a menu system at the start of the disc so that when you first put in the disc you can choose which album and then which picture. Also it supports music in the background of each slide show, it is very easy to work with and is the one I would highly recommend, also for any other questions look at they have tutorials on how to do exactly what I am talking about.

Good Luck.

-- the answer man (, April 06, 2001.

You mean there is a legit WinOnCDPE3.8 in English? All I've come across so far say it's only in German.

-- Mehmet Tekdemir (, April 07, 2001.

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