Just a beautiful picture. . .greenspun.com : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread |
There are many reasons why I love living where I do; this is just one of them . . .Not taken by me; a sweetie friend of mine posted this on another forum. . . [wink] Thanks! I just absolutely love it, it truly captures how beautiful it is here this time of year. . .
-- Anonymous, April 06, 2001
Secret admirer?[wink, wink]
-- Anonymous, April 06, 2001
Nudge, nudge.Wait till the dry summer--then the torrential rain--and watch a desert bloom. And don't forget them prickly pears have magic properties!
-- Anonymous, April 06, 2001
Last summer when it got hot/dry things did get brown, but not appreciably more than they did in KC. What I thought was neat about this part of the country though, was that in the fall, things really greened back up again after the heat let up. . .new grass started growing again, things sprang back to life, and it was late October, first part of November! I was used to most things turning brown in August and pretty much staying that way until the next spring. It was a very nice surprise!
-- Anonymous, April 06, 2001
Brooke, that's the difference between the warm weather and the cold weather grasses, they have opposite times of dormancy. At least in the north it is usually covered with snow during that time.
-- Anonymous, April 06, 2001
Brooke,It has been years since I lived in Southern Texas, but this picture reminds me of exactly how beautiful it is. Thank You! I'll never forget that they all seemed to open up over night, and the next morning how wonderful the blue looked, especially when a breeze came by.
-- Anonymous, April 06, 2001
I just returned from a trip to Brenham, and on SH105 the fields of a dairy were covered in blue bonnets, Indian paintbrush, and the little yellow sunflower looking ones, with the herd interspersed among them. ( For the locals, I swear I could hear Elsie singing just over the rise.) This is the best time of the year here.Dennis
-- Anonymous, April 06, 2001