S.L. tips smoke alarmsgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread |
Smoke DetectorsThe recent time change means it's also time to check your smoke detectors. It's also a good time to consider an upgrade. Older detectors relied on batteries alone for operation. Newer models are hardwired (AC), and some are both AC (hardwired) and DC (battery). If you've had a detector around for ten years, it should be replaced. New on the market are detectors with long-life batteries. Smoke detectors should be in each bedroom, outside the bedrooms, and on each floor of the house. A smoke detector in the kitchen is a good idea, except every time the toast gets burned the thing goes off. Look for a model with a hush button that stops the beeping but keeps the detector active.
- Stephen Corwin
-- Anonymous, April 06, 2001