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Mrs. Clinton Not Seeking Presidency
NEW YORK (AP) -- Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, who has long been speculated as a possible presidential candidate, told The New York Post that she has ruled out running for the White House not just in 2004, but in 2008 and beyond.
The statement came when the former first lady was pressed to clarify a statement she had made earlier about the presidency ''not something I'm going to be doing.''
Clinton was asked by the Post: ''So, Sen. Clinton, are you ruling out a run for president not just in 2004, but in 2008 and beyond?''
''Yes,'' replied Clinton, according to the Post account.
A top Clinton aide, who was nearby and listened to the entire exchange, later told the Post that he is unsure whether Clinton had ever made such an ironclad refusal.
Campaigning last year, Clinton repeatedly said she intended to serve her six-year Senate term if elected and would not speculate beyond that. But she is frequently asked whether she will run in 2004, and at least one recent poll in Iowa -- where caucuses launch the presidential nominating season -- has showed her running second behind Al Gore among Democrats.
Clinton made her initial remark about the presidency after she delivered a 20-minute speech and took questions from members of the American Society of Newspaper Editors, which is holding its annual conference.
-- Anonymous, April 06, 2001
I'm from Iowa. I am stunned.
-- Anonymous, April 06, 2001
Don't count her out yet. I read an article that says Bill Clinton's Harlem office lease has clauses that let him out at significant periods in time--like when there are national elections--in case Hillary wins the presidency. Of course, I haven't seen the lease but it's something to file away. And when has a Clinton told the truth about anything? Of course, that's all a right-wing conspiracy!
-- Anonymous, April 06, 2001