The wedding was beautiful! : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread |
The wedding of Katie and Michael was on 17 March 2001 in a vineyard in Martinborough, New Zealand. It was a gorgeous day and everything went smoothly. We couldn't have asked for a nicer day. We will be putting some photos together shortly on our website and will let you know when it is updated.Here's to another DaVinci's Exile success story!
Katie & Michael (better known as Caesaria and shadowninja)
-- shadowninja & Caesaria (, April 06, 2001
Mazel tov, you two! Looking forward to s*u¹qg pictures of the wedding. Miss seeing you guys online!
-- editrix (, April 07, 2001.
I wish I could've been there to see it! Congratulations! Say would you like a nice cat as a wedding gift? : )
-- Laighe of the Limberlost (, April 07, 2001.
Wow!And I left right when Caesaria was about to move there... that is wonderful you guys... I'm very happy for you... If I'd known, I would have "flown" over... :-)
-- Fates (, August 16, 2001.