PC tips Protect your keyboard

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Protecting Computer Keyboard When you are not using your computer, you can keep your keyboard clean simply by putting it into the clear plastic bag your Sunday newspaper comes in. Close it with tape or twist tie to prevent dust from accumulating or from possible spills

-- Anonymous, April 05, 2001


"When you are not using your computer. . ." SAR--surely you jest??? LOL!!! Gawd, on my keyboard I have cat hair, diabetic fudge bar crumbs, dust, small coffee spills, all kinds of stuff, probably dead fleas too. Oh, and clear tape over each key cos I wear the characters off in no time. (All that acid and bile in my blood.)

-- Anonymous, April 05, 2001

Haven't you folks heard of keyboard condoms? You leave them on, peal them off every now and then to clean them, then slap 'em back on after they dry (don't try this with a real condom)...

-- Anonymous, April 05, 2001

No, I haven't heard of keyboard condoms Carl, lol! Do they make em for notebook computers and where can I get one via mail order? (I am NOT going to Best Buy ever again.)

-- Anonymous, April 05, 2001

Keyboard Condoms

Their webstore kinda sucks, so I would probably use the 800 number there to make sure they have the right "size"... but yes, they do notebooks too...

-- Anonymous, April 06, 2001

Thuis--is--\whuat--hua'p'pes--t\o--y\ohugr--keyv\oagrd--\wem--y\ohu--d \o'pt--feed--a--huhugrgry--20--'p\ohud--cat--\o--time.


I--dgragr--it--\ohut--fgr\om--time--t\o--time--jhust--t\o--mess--\with u--'pe\o'ple'ps--hueads,--huehue.

|Of--c\ohugrse,--I--huad--t\o--c\o'py--'paste--thuis--'p\ost--vecahuse --hualf--thue--keys--thimk--thuey--agre--thue--grel\oad--vhutt\om.

-- Anonymous, April 06, 2001

When I'm not using my computer?

(This written at 4:48 AM, I couldn't sleep)

-- Anonymous, April 06, 2001

OG, you mentioned Best Buy. A few months ago I helped a friend buy a laptop (her first computer ever). Best Buy confronted us with the worst bait and switch nonsense I have ever encountered (including initially writing the order for a different more expensive one without telling us.)

-- Anonymous, April 06, 2001

What's really scary is I could read Big K's post. probably cuz I got three hours sleep.

-- Anonymous, April 06, 2001

Peter, wow, they went that far? Reason I won't go is because of the noise, for one, and because you wait in line for 20 minutes, then the cashier looks at her watch and announces she's going to take a break and off she goes. And you're at the front of this long line of people, going WTF? And you get in another line and when you get to the cashier, you're treated with more contempt than you've ever given anyone yourself--and that's saying something if you're an Old Git. Yet the other stores in that center have some good help--they're pulling from the same pool, so I guess it's just lousy management. Same with Home Depot versus Lowe's. I try not to go to HD, even though it's only 5 minutes from here and Lowe's is 15. HD is practically next door to Costco, which has GREAT people. Go figure.

Damn. Now I forgot what the other posts said. But I read 'em and, yes, I agree with whatever it was you said.

-- Anonymous, April 06, 2001

Keyboard Prophelactics!!!!!!!!!?????? what a hoot!

-- Anonymous, April 06, 2001

Yeah, but they don't protect you against miss-spelling.

-- Anonymous, April 06, 2001

Here, I thought I spelled these big words correctly!!!!

WELLLLLL....there are some things I DO excel at.....(just not SPELLING!!!) don't cha know!!!! (wink)

-- Anonymous, April 06, 2001

My cat never mis-spells. She meant to press that "m" 40 times in a row.

-- Anonymous, April 06, 2001

Best Buy has been the recipient of some of my absolute best, classic poison-pen complaint letters ever, and that is no small honor, as I have amassed quite a collection ever since I did volunteer work in a consumer advocacy office while in college. And they've deserved every one.

-- Anonymous, April 06, 2001

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