!!! : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

If anyone was wondering where ol' LL has been. Methinks I've found her.........

Oh man, listen to the voicemails........the dude saved 53 of'em!!!

Ya hate to laugh, BUT IT'S JUST A LITTLE FUNNY!!!!


-- Deano (, April 05, 2001


Deano you are an unmarried white guy just like Mark, right? That figures. That site is NOT funny and you stole it from cpr anyway.

I just listened to some of those messages and it didn't take long to figure out what a weak, pathetic loser Mark is. There are certain things that are simply unacceptable among decent people, and revealing her messages it one of them. Mark is obviously someone with little or no education, with no morals, and deserves to get the living shit kicked out of him.

-- (You and Mark are pathetic@losers. together), April 05, 2001.


Don't be shy, tell us what you REALLY think...

Warmin' up to the flames...

The Dog

-- The Dog (, April 05, 2001.

What's that saying..."how can I miss you when you won't go away?" LOL

But seriously, how many obsessed psycho-ex-boyfriends have ended up killing their terrified girlfriends despite restraining orders and police reports hmm? ALL

-- (cin@cin.cin), April 05, 2001.


(i swear it pushed submit all by itself)

-- (cin@cin.cin), April 05, 2001.

Yikes! I feel sorry for the poor bastard. "Psycho" is an understatement! She could be LL as you suggested, Deano, I've not heard her voice. I can say however, that the ex-girlfriend's voice and the messages she left sounded suspiciously similar to those of a girl I dated a few years back. Could it be....?

-- CD (, April 05, 2001.

Wow, this Mark guy has pulled a total mind job on that chick. Sounds to me like both of these people are co-dependants, with "Mark" being the aggressor, and the chick is the victim. Granted, she's quite weak, but Mark probably should of moved on and found someone new to fuck with. The fact that he didn't proves that he's weaker. In fact, Mark really likes control. Just like a child molestor. Now we see the real CD, Mark and Deano by their remarks.

-- WADM (Women @Against Dysfunctional, April 05, 2001.

Funny, I thought the woman was being extremely manipulative, especially in the call where she said she was going to the hospital from all the stress, then called back not ten minutes later to beg him to call her. Also, what was that thing with the cat?

Regardless of who's really screwy, this guy shouldn't have put those calls on the web.

-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, April 05, 2001.

I found it rather sad. So much pain, so much pain.

-- Uncle Deedah (, April 05, 2001.

He saves 53 voice mails and SHE'S the "psycho"? I don't think she has a lock on it in that "relationship"; I think they wear the Psycho Crown pretty equally.....

-- (, April 05, 2001.

Good point patricia, he's loving all that attention.

-- (cin@cin.cin), April 05, 2001.

Man, I gotta echo what Unk said. I listened 1 short one and about a half of one of the long ones. I felt like I was violating something. Just listening made me uncomfortable. Yeah, she may be a psycho, who knows? Maybe she was just in love with him and he acted like a stereotypical asshole male. The mere fact that he elected to record them all AND make them public makes him a hell of a lot more suspect than she is.

Hey, but what the hell. Cruelty is all the rage today!

Dan V.

-- Jimmy Splinters (, April 05, 2001.

I had a near "Fatal Attraction" experience once. And her initials were LLL.


-- Buddy (, April 05, 2001.

I decided to take a look at some of the 5,734 messages posted to the message board. Opinions are all over the map on this. Here's a few select comments...

*As a woman, I've experienced this sort of psycho ex behavior from an ex-boyfriend, and it's extremely disturbing! I'm glad he's doing this, maybe it will discourage others from acting so irrationally, for fear that their psycho voicemails will be broadcasted over the web. This is not normal breakup behavior! I understand being hurt in the trauma of a break-up, but is very disturbing to be on the receiving end of this.

*What, are these guys getting over 200,000 visitors in a couple of days? These guys are all over the news, because this hits home with a LOT of men.

[This next one's for my anonymous friend "WADM" who psychoanalyzed our brief comments and amazingly uncovered "the real" CD, Deano, and Mark....]

*I mean, come on! It's a silly ass website, not some great, far reaching insight into relationships, sex, marriage, or whatever! The ex in question is obviously a desperate, lonely nut job! But to defend her and martyr her, gimme a break, sweetheart! She called him 25 times in ONE night (2/7/01 to 2/8/01)! Is that rational?

*So when do we get to listen to the voicemails that he left her? If you ask me, they're both freaks, although clearly HE more than SHE. Sincerely, A lesbian with her own homepage:

*The minute the nut job left a message on his voice mail, IT BECAME HIS PROPERTY! He is not using her name, where she's from, nothing! It's just a VOICE! That's all, nothing more!

*This is crazy. This is ALL over the news!

*i think he is more psycho than she would ever be, simply because he could have just ignored her, asked her to stop, and worst case scenario - involve the cops with harrassment charges or restraining orders. no need to humiliate a hurting woman like this.

*I am a 38yr old single female - I am appalled about what 'Jill' did. She needs a public shaming to get her to understand what she did was wrong.

*Since this site is obviously one-sided, it makes one question just what role Mark had been playing in the relationship.

*So, your saying that Jill is available now?

*The real difference is that guys would laugh just as much at the site if it was about a guy, and made by a woman. The women would still be appalled, but at the man who made the calls, not the innocent victim who is a hero to all women for posting them.

*If she was so disturbed to start with, there's no telling what she might do when she finds out her embarrassing and frantic voicemails are now being played on morning radio across the country. I would have kept the site low key and shared only among friends for fear of being sued (or finding my pet rabbit boiling on the stove one day).


From what I can put together, there's a lot of suspicion that this whole thing is merely a hoax. Apparently the site is getting quite a bit of attention and allegedly has been making radio air play. It's also apparently led to people creating other copycat "Psycho" sites:

-- CD (, April 05, 2001.

That's the theory I'm ponderin' on CD,one big ruse just to generate web hits,publicity and alot of commotion among the sexes.Good ruse,I must admit.

-- capnfun (, April 06, 2001.


I see it more as a capitalist venture [kindof like a little piece of Jerry Springer on the web.] It could be a couple of college students who maybe saw a movie one night about a psycho and decided to see if they could make a little money off the thought. The site sells T- shirts, for goodness sakes. [I didn't check to see what else it sold.]

I wonder if we could make some money if we started a site called "Goofy ways to make money off the web." We could maybe charge $19.99 [plus shipping and handling] for a CD containing all the links we've found where other folks made money off these goofy ideas.

-- Anita (, April 06, 2001.

My younger brother had a girlfriend like this. She sent him bizarre, threatening letters and left message after message on his voicemail. Finally, when she realized he wasn't going to respond and was out of her life, she filed harassment charges on him, claiming he'd beat her up. It was a total lie of course, the woman had no proof whatsoever, but the police did investigate. My brother showed them the letters and played her messages for them, including one where she threatened to put him in jail if he didn't call her back. The case was quickly dropped.

Now I'm not saying all women who lose control at the end of the relationship behave like this and I'm not saying that all women who claim harassment are lying. But if I got 53 voicemails over five days, I'd hang on to them, too. Someone who's that worked up emotionally is definately unpredictable.

-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, April 06, 2001.

I thought it was fakery at first, but after listening to a couple more, I'm not so sure. She's a very good actress if she is faking it.

The one dated 2/17 10:19 is particularily harrowing.

-- Bemused (and_amazed@you.people), April 06, 2001.

Um, that should read 2/7 10:19pm, not 2/17.

-- Bemused (and_amazed@you.people), April 06, 2001.

Yo you and mark

For starters, you couldn't be any more wrong. Ya got the white part right but not much else. Thanks for playin'!!

Steal from CPR?? Not hardly, one of our local FM stations (WFYV Rock 105 - Lex and Terry's morning show) was playing it yesterday morning on the way to work. I checked out the website, listened to a couple of voicemails (the 1st 3 actually), then came here and posted it.

Did you even notice the messages were 4-5 minutes apart, several times a day, several times a week??!!

Sorry dude, the gal is just a little psycho.......



-- Deano (, April 06, 2001.

Yo Deano,

Our local just dropped the "Lex and Terry Show" about three weeks ago, and moved a some of the "talent" around to fill in the mornings. I didn't care much for Lex and Terry, just din't like em. But now I gotta suffer with the fuckin "Monsters of the Midday" from 10-3, simulcast from Orlando. Gawd what a bunch of damned hicks! Pray that they do not come to a town near you!

-- Uncle Deedah (, April 06, 2001.


I don't listen much to L&T for the same reasons. SOMETIMES they can be funny but I'd rather listen to MUSIC on the radio. Especially in morning traffic!

That wouldn't be Bubba would it? He may be outa Tampa......can't remember. He's DEFINITELY a jerk. One morning of him and haven't been back since....


-- Deano (, April 09, 2001.

I'ts so big is all I ever hear.

-- Donkey (, May 16, 2001.

well i really thought it was quiet amuzing and i am sure what i am about to say is going to piss alot of liberals and dikes off but what the hell fuck ya !they wanna bitch about how the guys is so mean for posting the emails on this site ,and all that other horse shit about women being killed by psycho men . well guess what ladies??well if he had taken it to court it would have been a hell of alot less fun than the web !"so suck it up" women have rights in this country !men are the ones all ways getting fucked in court on the job and anywhere you find women in the workplace .crying sexual discrimination,i need more money ,i need someone to take care of me !"thats right i am an asshole "so you need not say it .so fuck her she let it happen to herself !sometimes you gotta have a little self respect and no when the hell it is over .

-- steve (, September 04, 2001.


will someone translate the above, please?

-- sumer (I@aint.saying), September 04, 2001.

really in need of some fun seriously

-- deepak jolapara (, September 22, 2001.


-- JAZZYJENNI (JAZZYJENNI2002@AOL.COM), January 06, 2002.

Well Mark is being a bit jerky playing these messages on the net , but it looks like both him and the ex, have emotional problems and do not seem to be able to sustain a relationship. Furthar Mark does not mention the full extent of this so called phycotic union, so with out knowing the whole storey its hard to say just how much he contributed to this womans emotional state. One thing is for shure Mark did the old disappearing act, that is common of most inmature males when they just get tired of someone and start sniffing around another wet hole.

-- Jim Reeves (, January 11, 2002.

Mark your a pathetic ignorant asshole ! That womans elevator may not go to the top floor, but thats not letting you off the hook pal! So what did you do bud ? Fuck her brains out' and tell her stories of love and marrage ? And being the kind of male knuckle dragger most women talk about , just living up to that right ? Maybe you and your Bisexual friends are having a laugh at all these responses but you know many of these submissions have you right on the money. Atleast we know were she is coming from, but what of your swisted mind. Remember one thing here , and that is you picked this woman for what ever reason so that does not say alot for you either.

-- Ramond Stevens (, January 11, 2002.

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