problem with Xing MPEG Player : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I recently downloaded Xing MPEG Player.IT plays some vcds well but gives problems with others. 1..For one vcd,disc2 can be played but a window stating that the vcd wont open or another stating that the vcd needs to be cleaned & the computer reduces its speed..becomes real slow takes along time for the windows to soon as disc is out the computer proceeds normally. 2..on putting a vcd..Hannibal..a window comes up stating an illegal operation has been performed & the window needs to be closed.on clicking details it shows XMplayer caused an invalid page default in module XMPLAYER.EXE at 016f:00418a5e& some more nos. come on screen

As you will have guessed I am not very informed when it comes to computer.Your help will be appreciated.Please tell me how can I avoid this problems? I have a compaq armada 1700 laptop with windows 98.Windows media 7 is installed but it only shows windows for audio cds.for vcds it states such files donot exist. Ms.Shaikh

-- A Shaikh (, April 05, 2001


Stop using Xing. Windows 98SE as it is is well-equipped for VCD playback in the form of Media Player, ver. 6 and above. You point a path to the playable *.dat files in the MPEGAV directory on opening Media Player. The other thing is your VCDs should be as clean and as scratch-free as possible. This is because error correction in Video CDs is not as robust as those for conventional data CD-ROMs.

-- Mehmet Tekdemir (, April 07, 2001.

can you give me the name of player i can download from internet, ok thank's for your help

-- ronald karli (, May 22, 2001.

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