Here is letter I sent to everyone on my list re : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread |
I sent this letter out to a jillion people this morning and have had many responses telling me they had forwarded onto everyone they knew. Don't underestimate the American Housewife if she gets her panties into a twist. Taz*****In all previous hostage situations, the American people have been forced to sit by in frustration. But the current situation is different. We, the people, can make an impact. DO NOT BUY CHINESE PRODUCTS. I am told that the economic impact of a US citizen boycott of Chinese products would be felt in China by day 10. We can do something this time. Stick together and buy no Chinese products. Bring our Sailors home.*****
-- Anonymous, April 04, 2001
Where's Ronnie when we need him. Bush is letting those people fuck with us, when he should be putting his foot down good and hard. And Taz, you are absolutely right about the trade weapon. Contrary to popular belief, our hugest trade deficit isn't with Japan anymore, it's with China.
-- Anonymous, April 04, 2001
I'm with this boycott! It will be easy, I quit buying months ago!
-- Anonymous, April 04, 2001
I remember writing at the old TB about all the Chinese imports. That was in 1999; gawd knows what they are now. Everything I look at is "Made in China." I decided a couple of days ago that if it says Made In China, I don't need it and I WON'T buy it. Unfortunately, that's about 94% of the stuff at my favorite store--Big Lots. But I'll make the sacrifice.
-- Anonymous, April 05, 2001
Does this include rice? We just bought a bunch of rice, do I have to take it back?
-- Anonymous, April 05, 2001
I've avoided buying imports of any kind for most of my life; my father owned a commercial pottery, and I grew up learning first hand how hard it was/is for US manufacturers to compete with cheap imports. It's frustrating when you see what percentage of goods are produced outside the US, and maddening when yet another manufacturing plant closes because they are moving their production facilities to Mexico.Dad always taught us to buy local and if that wasn't possible, at the very least "Buy American". . .because to do so was to perhaps help someone down the block keep their job. Sometimes that's next to impossible to do any more.
We've forgotten that lots of those low prices we've grown accustomed to seeing carry a steep cost.
-- Anonymous, April 05, 2001
Yep, all too true. Made in China shoes are ridiculously cheap, for instance. But I think it would take only a few weeks of greatly reduced export income (we don't buy, the importers don't place new orders) for the Chinese to realize we're not such punch-drunk materialists after all and we can screw up their economy. Besides, there are plenty of other countries willing to step in and produce what China produces.
-- Anonymous, April 05, 2001
Besides, there are plenty of other countries willing to step in and produce what China produces.You mean cheap child labor? Don't tell Kathy Lee!
-- Anonymous, April 05, 2001