FIB - Dan Rather says he didn't know his speech was at daughter's Democratic : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread |
CNSMedia Watchdog Group Wants Apology from Dan Rather
By Jim Burns CNS Senior Staff Writer
April 04, 2001
( - A conservative media critic is demanding an on-air apology from CBS Evening News anchor Dan Rather, who spoke at a Democratic fundraiser in Austin, Tex., on March 21.
Media Research Center President L. Brent Bozell III said Rather should make a "full apology, live, on the air tonight for speaking as the star attraction at a Democratic Party fundraiser in Texas a couple of weeks ago."
Donors paid up to $1,000 apiece to hear him speak, but Rather told the Washington Post he didn't realize at the time that the dinner - co-hosted by his own daughter -- was a fundraiser. It was "an honest oversight on his part," said a CBS spokesperson.
Bozell said, "Without a genuine and sincere apology to the viewing public, Rather's lips will forever drip with hypocrisy. As of right now, his stain covers the entire CBS News Division. Until sincere contrition is demonstrated live, on the air, no fair-minded person will ever trust CBS News again."
Media Research Center is the parent company of and it is dedicated to pointing out liberal bias in the media. More to come.
-- Anonymous, April 04, 2001